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The Fuyang Federation of Trade Unions held the launching ceremony in Yingquan District

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-21 14:44

On May 17, the launch ceremony of Fuyang Federation of Trade Unions of Anhui Province to Yingquan District and the activity of concentrated participation of new employment workers in the Youth E-commerce Industrial Park were held in the conference room of the Youth E-commerce Industrial Park. Wang Lingling, member of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of Fuyang Federation of Trade Unions, Zhang Wei, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Yingquan District People's Congress and chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, attended the event and delivered a speech. The activity was presided over by Li Xiaodong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions.

At the ceremony site, everyone watched the propaganda films such as "The Labor Union is by your side" and "Fuyang Federation of Trade Unions called you to join". The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions presented a large gift bag with a thermos kettle, a wash bag and a storage bag to 80 workers in the new form of employment, and the staff and volunteers of the trade union issued publicity materials such as the Detailed Publicity Sheet for the Assistance of Workers in Difficulties, and carefully answered their consultations on policy, health, law and other aspects.

Wang Lingling proposed that the trade union organizations in the city should continue to deeply promote the "three-year action" of the labor union work of new forms of employment, actively carry out care for new forms of employment workers in combination with the work in situ, attract them, organize them, and stabilize them; Platform enterprises should fulfill their responsibilities, fulfill their social responsibilities for workers in new forms of employment, correctly guide workers in new forms of employment to join trade unions voluntarily, and provide necessary conditions for trade unions in new forms of employment to carry out work and activities according to law; The majority of workers in the new form of employment should scrupulously fulfill their duties, be willing to contribute, strive to be first-class, and strive to realize the value of life.

Zhang Wei said that in recent years, Yingquan District has successively established the District Freight Drivers Trade Union Federation, Fuyang Linyi Shopping Mall Trade Union Federation, Fuyang Youth E-commerce Industrial Park Trade Union Federation, Fuyang Logistics Trade Union Federation and Yingquan District Property Service Industry Association Trade Union Federation, and established 135 new business trade union organizations, covering 135 new business enterprises, There are 10120 new business members. The trade union organization should solve some of the most realistic and direct concerns and troubles for workers in the new employment form by carrying out activities such as rehabilitation, relief for workers in difficulty, and golden autumn student aid.

This activity was hosted by the Fuyang Federation of Trade Unions and organized by the Yingquan District Federation of Trade Unions. (Contributed by Yingquan District Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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