Zhonggong Entertainment

Huaibei City "Love in Early Summer" Single Young Workers' Friendship Activity Held

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-21 13:31

CAMCE News On May 19, the youth workers' friendship activity of "love in early summer is destined for Xiangshan", sponsored by the Huaibei Federation of Trade Unions in Anhui Province and undertaken by Xiangshan District Federation of Trade Unions and the city workers (Jiayuan) Marriage Service Center, was held in Xiangshan National Fitness Center. The activity attracted more than 130 young single workers from the city, county and district government institutions, state-owned enterprises, etc.


On May 19, Huaibei City held a friendship activity for young workers with the theme of "love in early summer is destined for Xiangshan". Photographed by Ge Junming

The event kicked off in a young jazz dance Fire, which was brought by female guests. Then the male guests brought the Pain of Breathing, and the guitar and African drums played the Little Love Song, which ignited the enthusiasm of the single young workers on the scene.

The live interactive game activity started from the link of "Guarding Your Girl". The host randomly selected six groups of male and female guests to take the stage. Through self introduction, everyone had a preliminary understanding of each other. The subsequent interactive games broke the strangeness of young workers when they met for the first time and improved their understanding of each other. In the subsequent interesting interactive games of "love pull circle", "smell of love" and other two person multi group games, everyone cooperated with each other to deepen understanding and enhance friendship, which greatly mobilized the participation and enthusiasm of young workers, and was unanimously praised by young people.

In a warm atmosphere, young people pay attention to each other and add WeChat to each other, and new encounters and encounters begin to unfold slowly. In the final "Going for Love" segment, the young workers selected each other, and the boys invited their favorite girls to the stage, pushing the whole activity to a climax. The young workers who participated in this activity said that they were busy with work and neglected communication at ordinary times. By participating in this activity, they broadened the circle of friends and made new friends, laying a good foundation for subsequent exchanges.

It is understood that the trade unions at all levels in the city will continue to explore and improve the effective form of "love and marriage" for single workers, launch more rich, more exciting and more creative love and marriage activities for the majority of single workers, so that more single workers can harvest their own happiness in the "Magpie Bridge Gathering" love and marriage activities. (Pan Di)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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