Zhonggong Entertainment

In Changfeng County, Anhui Province, in 2024, the staff fellowship activity of "Wangong Queqiao Calligraphy as a Media for Reunion of Maying" will be held

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-21 13:17

CAMCE News On May 20, the 2024 "Wangong Queqiao Shuxiang as a Media for Love and Reunion of Maying" employee fellowship activity was held in Maying Village, Yangmiao Town, Changfeng County, Anhui Province. Nearly 100 young workers from government agencies, enterprises and public institutions in the county gathered together for a romantic encounter.


In the afternoon of May 20, Changfeng County held the staff fellowship activity of "Magpie Bridge Calligraphy of Anhui Industrial Group for Matchmaking" in 2024. Photographed by Xie Pengcheng

Go on a date, read a good book, find a good relationship. In order to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for guests to make friends, the staff carefully arranged the venue, balloons, fruits, drinks, desserts... The warm arrangement was accompanied by soothing music, so that the scene was filled with a youthful and romantic atmosphere. The event set up ice breaking game "Snakes", manual intangible cultural heritage experience interaction, "One Arrow Loving", "Happy Embracing", "Walk Together" and other folk sports interactive experience games and bonfire party links, which were brilliant.

During the warm-up game "Snakes" and group experience of manual intangible cultural heritage projects such as Maying lacquer fans and plant tie dyeing, the guests got to know each other preliminarily and the activities were getting better. Later, the guests were grouped into fun games, two men and two women in a group, and carried out three rounds of competitive game interactions, such as "One Arrow Loving", "Happy Embrace" and "Walk Together", to further enhance the understanding between the guests. The final barbecue dinner and bonfire party brought the sweet smell of the scene to a climax. The guests showed themselves, expressed themselves bravely, and met with exciting moments in the laughter.

The event was co sponsored by Changfeng County Federation of Trade Unions, Changfeng County Culture and Tourism Bureau, Yangmiao Town People's Government, and undertaken by Changfeng County Library. (Li Rongrong)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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