Zhonggong Entertainment

Beware of tick bites during outdoor activities in summer

Source: Science and Technology Daily
2024-05-21 13:45

Original title: Beware of ticks in outdoor activities in summer

When summer comes, mosquitoes breed. Experts suggest that when you are close to nature and doing outdoor activities, you should be careful not to be bitten by ticks.

Ticks are more active from May to September every year. They usually appear in places with dense vegetation such as grass and forests. Data show that ticks can transmit 83 viral, 31 bacterial and 32 protozoan diseases.

Ticks can't fly or jump, and their mobility is not strong. They prefer to hide in grass tips, tree tops and other places to wait for the hare, wait for people or animals to pass by, and wait for opportunities to "commit crimes". The "popularity" of this small insect is not as good as that of mosquitoes, but it is much scarier than mosquitoes. The front part of its body is almost full of mouths, which is known as "mouthparts". Unlike the "sneak attack" behavior of mosquitoes, ticks can firmly attach themselves to the host by their mouthparts for several days and suck blood brazenly.

Ticks carry a variety of viruses and bacteria, which can lead to a variety of infectious diseases after biting the human body, such as fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, forest encephalitis, Lyme disease, etc.

Experts suggest that most of these diseases will lead to human fever, but the clinical manifestations are different. After being bitten by ticks, the incubation period of some diseases can be as long as one month. If fever, rash, fatigue, muscle soreness, headache and other uncomfortable symptoms still appear several weeks after the removal of ticks, seek medical advice in time.

If you are bitten by ticks, how can you remove them?

Use tweezers as close as possible to the surface of the skin, pick up the ticks and pull them out, disinfect the biting parts as soon as possible, and then wash your hands.

There are barbs on the mouthparts of ticks, which are difficult to pull out after penetrating into the skin and sucking blood. Experts suggest that if the tick bites firmly, it should be treated as soon as possible. Do not dispose of the ticks by tapping, dragging or burning cigarette ends, or the mouthparts of the ticks may be left in the skin.

To reduce the harm of ticks, we should focus on prevention.

Experts suggest that if you go camping and hiking in the wild, try to wear long clothes and trousers to reduce the exposed area of skin; Avoid sitting and lying for a long time in the tick habitat; The use of anti mosquito liquid containing DEET can also reduce the bite of ticks. After activities in grass, woods and other places, parents should focus on checking the exposed skin of children, and carefully check behind the ears, neck and other places to see if there are new "small black spots" to avoid the hiding of ticks. (Reporter Hua Ling)

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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