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The 10th "National Nutrition Week" from May 12 to 18, 2024

Experts appeal: "reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" to develop good eating habits

Source: Yangcheng Evening News
2024-05-21 14:02

Original title: The 10th "National Nutrition Week" from May 12 to 18, 2024 (introduction)

Experts appeal: "reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" to develop good eating habits (theme)

May 12-18, 2024 is the 10th "National Nutrition Week". The theme of healthy diet this year is "reasonable diet, healthy life", focusing on three aspects: reducing oil, increasing beans, and adding milk, guiding residents to reasonably mix daily meals to form good eating habits, and using dietary guidelines to help prevent and improve chronic diseases. "Can people with high uric acid still drink soy milk?" "How to drink milk when lactose is intolerant?" Recently, the clinical nutrition departments of major hospitals held free clinics and science popularization activities to answer the nutrition hot issues concerned by the masses.

Can people with high uric acid drink soy milk?

In order to further promote the National Nutrition Plan and the healthy China's reasonable diet action, the Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee recently printed and distributed 30 pieces of Core Information on "reducing oil, increasing beans, and adding milk" (hereinafter referred to as "Core Information"). In terms of "increasing beans", it is pointed out that "soybeans and their products are diversified and nutritious, which can provide high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, potassium, vitamin E, etc., and are suitable for all people to eat."

"Bean products are so good, but I have high uric acid, which will induce gout?" Many patients with high uric acid pay attention to their diet, often thinking that they cannot eat bean products, which will induce gout. Previous studies have pointed out that short-term intake of soy products can increase blood uric acid, but Ye Yanbin, chief physician of the Department of Nutrition of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, told reporters that in recent years, the results of large-scale randomized clinical trials have overturned the previous studies, and the blood uric acid level of people who ingested soy products for six consecutive months has instead decreased by 4.9%, This may be because soybean isoflavones contained in soybean products inhibit the formation of uric acid. So at present, bean products can be said to be the protective dietary factor of hyperuricemia to a large extent.

Pan Wensong, director of the Clinical Nutrition Center of Foshan First People's Hospital, suggested that different soybeans and their products could be selected for three meals a day. 20g of soybeans is equivalent to about 60g of northern tofu, 110g of southern tofu, 45g of dried tofu, and 300g of soymilk.

How to deal with abdominal distension and diarrhea after drinking milk?

In the "Core Information", it is said that "milk and dairy products are rich in nutrition, can provide high-quality protein, and are a good source of calcium. Adequate intake of milk and dairy products is beneficial to human health, especially muscle and bone health. Nutrition experts suggest that 300~500ml of liquid milk or equivalent dairy products should be taken every day. At present, the actual intake of most residents in China is far lower than the recommended amount. "

However, once you drink milk, you will feel abdominal distension and diarrhea. This is how many people feel after drinking milk. Pan Wensong said that it was either lactose intolerance or protein allergy. He suggested that people with lactose intolerance could choose fermented dairy products such as lactose free, low lactose milk or yogurt and cheese. If you are allergic to the protein in milk, Pan Wensong suggested that you can boil the milk and then simmer it for 10-15 minutes. Allergens can be destroyed to a certain extent to reduce the discomfort after drinking milk.

Learning to "eat" healthily starts from the baby

The Core Information also specifically mentioned that "when choosing milk and dairy products, first look at the ingredient list and nutrition label, and milk containing drinks cannot be used instead of milk".

This also reflects a problem worth paying attention to at present - when children use their pocket money to buy food, they often do not consider nutrition and health issues, and unconsciously consume a large amount of "junk food".

"We should teach students to learn to look at the ingredient list and nutrition labels when buying snacks", explained Li Qiaoyun, deputy director of the clinical nutrition center of Foshan First People's Hospital. For example, if students want to buy chocolate and chocolate related food, we taught them to choose "cocoa butter" instead of "cocoa butter substitute", because the latter contains trans fatty acids, It will cause adverse effects on human body. In addition, when choosing snacks, if there are many items in the ingredient list, it means that there are many additives, so try not to choose snacks. (By Yang Cheng Evening News reporter Chen Hui, Zhang Hua, correspondent Zhang Cancheng)

Editor in charge: Yang Jing

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