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379 state-owned enterprises and institutions provided more than 8000 jobs. Guizhou Province launched the "National Employment Action" to promote employment

Source: Guizhou Daily
2024-05-21 09:02

Original title: 379 state-owned enterprises and institutions provide more than 8000 posts (quotation)

Guizhou Province Launches "National Employment Action" to Promote Employment (Theme)

Guizhou Daily (Reporter Guan Yun) The reporter learned from the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guizhou Province that recently, the Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments jointly held a special job fair of "National Recruitment Action" at Guizhou University and Guizhou Normal University.

A total of 379 provincial state-owned enterprises, central enterprises in Guizhou, and enterprises and institutions in Guiyang (Gui'an) participated in the job fair, which provided more than 8000 jobs. According to incomplete statistics, 40000 college graduates and young talents from both inside and outside the province came to the fair, and more than 5900 people initially reached the goal of achieving business.

An Fengming, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Provincial State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, said that Guizhou state-owned enterprises fully reflect the responsibility of state-owned enterprises, give prominence to promoting the employment of young people, especially college graduates, focus on developing high-quality jobs, actively expand employment channels for college graduates, create employment opportunities, and help unemployed college graduates and other young people to find jobs as soon as possible.

It is reported that this time, according to the requirements of focusing on "four innovations", focusing on "four modernizations", and building "six major industrial bases", the provincial state-owned enterprises sorted out the demand for talents from the aspects of digital economy, green economy, health economy, culture and tourism economy, and focused on developing high-quality jobs. The enterprises participating in this recruitment include provincial state-owned enterprises such as Energy Group and Logistics Group, central enterprises in Guizhou such as Zhenhua Group and Aerospace Science and Industry Group, and Guiyang (Gui'an) state-owned enterprises such as Guiyang Investment Holding Group and Gui'an Development Group. The jobs provided involve financial economy, big data, machinery manufacturing, fine chemicals and other industries.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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