Zhonggong Entertainment

More than 50 projects of "Tiankai Cup" appeared at the achievement exhibition and exchange meeting

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-20 15:47

A few days ago, the "Tiankai Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge Achievement Exhibition of National Undergraduate Intelligent Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tianjin and the 7th Tianjin Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talent and Achievement Exhibition and Exchange Meeting were held in Tiankai Higher Education Science and Technology Innovation Park. More than 50 participating projects from Tianjin University, Nankai University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University and other colleges and universities appeared in the exhibition.

"The focus of the project is non-contact waste heat utilization, and the company is now a small giant enterprise with" expertise, specialty and novelty "..." In front of the booth of "underground energy porters", Zhao Tong, a doctoral student of Tianjin University, the project leader, introduced the team's project to entrepreneurs, investors and citizens passing by. "You can try this new material and wrap it on your fingers. Even if you hit it with a hammer, your fingers will not feel pain." In the exhibition area of the "RZ-LABS Intelligent Cushioning Material" project of Hefei University of Technology, the team not only brought the company's products that have been oriented to the market, but also brought the raw materials to invite guests to experience on site.

Tianjin Workers Daily reporter Qin Fan Correspondent Liu Xiaoyan

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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