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The Federation of Trade Unions of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region held a friendship activity for young workers of "Gathering Good Luck to Build North Xinjiang Together"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-20 14:05

On May 19, the Federation of Trade Unions of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region held the 10th youth workers' friendship activity of "Gathering Good Luck to Build North Xinjiang Together".


On May 19, the Federation of Trade Unions of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region held a friendship activity for young workers. The picture shows the activity site. Photographed by Wu Hao

120 single young workers from the trade union of building materials, transportation, machinery and metallurgy of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the trade union of finance, trade, light textile, agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and water of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, all directly affiliated units and relevant member units in Hohhot, gathered together and set out for love. The event kicked off in the light and romantic music, and the young men and women who attended the event quickly "broke the ice" and the atmosphere of the scene quickly warmed up, driven by the warm field games such as "sandbag throwing plate", "jumping blank space" and "blindfolded gongs". Under the leadership of the host, through games such as "building block folding music", "DIY small handicraft" and "fun shooting", young people can get closer to each other, further eliminate strangeness, open their hearts, gain trust and enhance feelings, and live applause and laughter come and go. After the tacit cooperation and happy coexistence in the game, 4 couples successfully joined hands on the scene.

Through the establishment of an exchange platform, this fellowship activity has better promoted the unity and cooperation among young people, guided them to establish a rational, beautiful and realistic view of love and marriage, so that young people can meet and make new friends in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and harvest sweet love while working hard. In the next step, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions will continue to play the role of bridge and link, based on the reality of young people, work hard to serve young people with emotion, and constantly guide young cadres and workers to contribute to the hot practice of completing the "five major tasks" and implementing the "six projects". (Wu Hao)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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