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Hefei Luyang District Federation of Trade Unions Visited and Investigated Excellent Enterprise Trade Unions of New Quality Productivity

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-20 16:25

On May 15, Shen Xianglin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Luyang District, Hefei City, Anhui Province, and chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, made a field survey on the development of trade union organization construction of excellent enterprises with new quality productivity in Luyang Economic Development Zone. Relevant leaders of the District Federation of Trade Unions participated in the investigation.

The research team first visited the production workshop and the customized exhibition hall of Zhibang Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. During the discussion with enterprise managers and trade union cadres, Research team We have a detailed understanding of the employment situation of the enterprise, the operation of the labor union and the employee welfare. Since the establishment of Zhibang Home Furnishing Trade Union in 2008, it has held more than 20 various training activities every year, with 2000 employees participating in training, and organized to participate in various domestic and foreign employee vocational skills competitions and design competitions. At the same time, we have made outstanding achievements in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees, establishing health files for employees, visiting and condolence on festivals, and helping needy employees. Shen Xianglin expressed that he hoped that the enterprise would continue to adhere to the people-oriented principle, care for employees, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, give full play to the role of trade union organizations as a bridge and link, and promote the high-quality development of the enterprise.

subsequently Research team The delegation came to Daheng Energy Co., Ltd., visited the digital exhibition hall of the enterprise, learned about the business development of the enterprise and the work of the trade union, and carried out discussions and exchanges with the enterprise around effectively safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees, building harmonious labor relations, skilled personnel training and other aspects. The relevant person in charge of the trade union of Daheng Energy Co., Ltd. said that the trade union of Daheng Energy has been focusing on enhancing the cohesion of employees, focusing on various special time nodes, carrying out diversified trade union activities, distributing holiday gifts for employees, carrying out staff sports meetings, actively participating in the "five small workers" innovation evaluation activities organized by the municipal federation of trade unions and the district federation of trade unions, etc, Safeguard and enhance the happiness and honor of employees.

Shen Xianglin said that enterprise trade unions should strengthen the construction of grass-roots trade union organizations, strive to achieve a sound organization, obvious role, and trust of workers, and build trade union organizations into a strong position for enterprise development; It is necessary to strengthen the humanistic care of employees, care about their daily life, create a good working and living environment for employees, especially pay attention to difficult employees, understand their actual situation and actively help them solve practical problems.

Next, the District Federation of Trade Unions will further focus on the construction of enterprise trade union organization, vigorously publicize various policies of the trade union, constantly strengthen communication and contact with enterprises, continue to go deep into enterprises, do practical things for enterprises and workers, and constantly improve the service level of the trade union; Comprehensively and continuously promote the reform of the construction of the industrial workforce, take the labor skills competition as the starting point, stimulate the innovation and creativity of employees, guide employees to study deeply, innovate bravely, and be the first to become the vanguard of promoting the development of new quality productivity, and contribute to the economic construction of Luyang District. (Lu Lufan Dandan)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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