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Beijing Daxing Held the May Day Labor Award Awarding Activity of "The Most Beautiful Labor · Glory Daxing"

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-19 08:00

Original title: Beijing Daxing Held the May Day Labor Award Awarding Activity of "The Most Beautiful Labor · Shining Daxing"

Worker's Daily - reporter Lai Zhikai from China Industrial Network

On May 17, the award ceremony of the May Day Labor Award 2024 in Daxing District, the "Most Beautiful Labor and Glorious Prosperity" hosted by the Beijing Daxing District Federation of Trade Unions, was held in Daxing Theater. More than 500 people participated in the activity, including the chairman, vice chairman, industrial workers, workers in new employment forms, and representatives of front-line workers of the Federation of Trade Unions and directly affiliated trade unions in towns, streets, and industrial bases in the region.

Zhang Liang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, Wang Youguo, Secretary of the Daxing District Party Committee, Yu Xueyin, Chairman of the District CPPCC, Qing Zhaoshen, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and President of the District Party School, Li Da, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions and other leaders attended the event, and in order to win the National and Capital May Day Labor Awards in 2024 The seven advanced collective representatives and 11 advanced individual winners of Beijing Worker Pioneer presented awards.

Everyone gathered together to praise the glory of labor and praise the greatness of labor, and the activity kicked off in the loud singing of the chorus "Labor Supports the Chinese Dream". Representatives of advanced individuals and model workers read out the Proposal to Workers in the District.

The programs carefully prepared by front-line workers from all walks of life in the district were staged in turn, and The Pioneer, through the blending of feelings and scenes, told the epic struggle of thousands of workers in their respective fields. The song of "Sparks Shine in Daxing" tells us that glory belongs to workers, happiness belongs to workers, and everyone in Daxing District on the way to dreams. Reciting "The Chinese Dream, the Beauty of Labor", with a passionate attitude, praises the spirit of Chinese workers who build dreams. The song and dance "Imagination of Labor" shows the daily struggle of workers and paves the way for happiness with labor. The activity ended successfully in the chorus of "Model Worker".

Editor in charge: Chen Lihui

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