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Express | Create a new high! In 2023, national museums will receive 1.29 billion visitors

Source: Xinhua News Agency
2024-05-18 10:28

Original title: Xinhua News Agency authoritative bulletin | hit a new high! In 2023, national museums will receive 1.29 billion visitors

The "May 18 International Museum Day" in 2024, China's main venue, was held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province on May 18. The reporter learned from the opening ceremony of the event that the State Administration of Cultural Heritage released the latest data showing that in 2023, China's museums will hold more than 40000 exhibitions, more than 380000 educational activities, and receive 1.29 billion visitors, a record high.

According to statistics, in 2023, 268 new museums will be put on record in China, and the total number of museums in China will reach 6833, ranking the top in the world. At the same time, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage announced 123 new national first-class museums, bringing the total number of national first-class museums to 327. The free opening policy of museums has been continuously improved, and more than 90% of museums in China have achieved free opening.

Reporter: Yang Zhanfei, Shi Yucen

Editor: Yang Yang

Designer: Miao Xiayang

Produced by Xinhua News Agency at home

Editor in charge: Liu Chuan

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