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Shaanxi model workers helped launch the action of developing new quality productivity

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-05-17 15:58

Original title: Shaanxi model workers help develop new quality productivity

Worker's Daily - Mao Rongxi, reporter of China Industrial Network

On May 16, the launching ceremony of "starting towards the 'new' model workers first - Shaanxi model workers to help develop new quality productivity" was held in Baoji, sponsored by Shaanxi Federation of Trade Unions and undertaken by Baoji Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and PetroChina Baoji Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd.

Wang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice Chairman of Shaanxi Federation of Trade Unions, made a speech and announced the launch of the action. Duan Xiaolong, Deputy Secretary of Baoji Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech, and Fan Shusen, Director of the Fund Review Committee of Shaanxi Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the speech. Chen Xiaoping, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Baoji Municipal People's Congress, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, and others attended the meeting.

Wang Jun pointed out that trade unions at all levels should combine the support for the development of new quality productivity with the implementation of the province's deepening of the "three years" activities, and vigorously develop the county economy, private economy, open economy, and digital economy, so as to give full play to the role of trade unions, and make contributions from one area to the overall situation. We should conscientiously implement the policy and treatment of model workers and introduce more service measures to care for model workers, so that model workers can be respected and enjoy courteous treatment. Model worker associations at all levels should actively build platforms and create conditions for model workers to play an exemplary and leading role, and enhance the brand influence of model workers.

Wang Jun hopes that the majority of model workers will focus on gathering ideological consensus, tell the innovative theory of the Party, tell the "three spirits" and tell the story of struggle through "preaching and acting", and drive the majority of workers to promote the development of new quality productivity. We will strive to overcome technical difficulties, accurately connect with the "demand list" of enterprises through "helping enterprises", give full play to the advantages of technology and skills, and help enterprises improve their market competitiveness. We will focus on innovation and creation, help foster new industries, foster new models, and form new momentum through "innovation activities", and provide intellectual support and talent support for high-quality development. We will strengthen social responsibility, actively help agricultural and rural development through "rural travel", and let the flag of model workers fly high in the main battlefield of rural revitalization.

Duan Xiaolong said in his speech that in recent years, Baoji has built 18 national intelligent manufacturing enterprises, 125 innovation studios above the municipal level, 281 craftsmen, chief technicians and technical experts in various fields, and more than 350000 high-quality industrial workers. It said that Baoji will further shoulder its mission, build a carrier platform, strengthen publicity and guidance, lead and drive the broad masses of workers to actively participate in the practice of new quality productivity development, and make Baoji contributions to writing a new chapter of Chinese style modernization in Shaanxi with new achievements of high-quality development.

At the launching ceremony, Wang Jun presented the flag to the service team of model workers, and Fan Shusen read out the Work Plan for Shaanxi model workers to help develop new quality productivity. The enterprise representative issues the employment letter to the model worker. Liu Xiangbin, a great craftsman and senior technician of Shaanxi Aerospace Times Navigation Equipment Co., Ltd., read out the proposal. The provincial defense trade union and PetroChina Baoji Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. made an exchange speech.

It is reported that this action focuses on the "four actions" of model workers and craftsmen, namely, publicity, enterprise assistance, innovation and rural travel. It gives full play to the exemplary role of model workers and craftsmen in the development of new quality productivity, helps Shaanxi's high-quality development and modernization, and makes contributions in writing a new chapter in Shaanxi and striving to become a model in the west.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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