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Guanling, Anshun, Guizhou: "1+N" linkage to build a new pattern of "source control"

Source: Anshun Daily
2024-05-17 11:16

Original title:

Guanling: "1+N" linkage to build a new pattern of "source governance"

Anshun Daily reporter Gao Zhi

In 2023, the "one county, one pilot" in Guizhou Province will determine Guanling Autonomous County as the "pilot county for source control". Over the past year, the county has adhered to the long-term mechanism of source governance, departmental coordination and social participation, promoted the "1+N" linkage between the people's court and the public security, natural resources, development and reform, human society and other departments, and took "focusing on the front end and preventing disease" as the goal to deepen and implement the source governance in a multi-directional, multi measure and three-dimensional manner, effectively reducing the stock of cases, curbing the increase and controlling variables.

"Source enforcement governance is to establish and formulate various mechanisms and measures at the front end of enforcement cases, urge obligors to perform their obligations through guidance, deterrence and other means, help obligees to timely fulfill their rights and interests, and reduce the number of cases entering the stage of enforcement from the source." Jin Can, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Executive Vice President of the People's Court of Guanling Autonomous County, said, Since 2021, based on its own functional attributes, the hospital has actively explored the source of governance mechanism. In 2023, the hospital has achieved remarkable results through internal and external linkage with 44 departments (units) in the county.

In order to optimize the execution management mechanism, the hospital took the lead in building an execution and case handling center in the city that integrates key functions such as acceptance, sub handling, feedback, emergency disposal, pre execution supervision and mediation, receiving and answering inquiries and clarifying doubts, propaganda and education. It is equipped with strong execution force to achieve "visitors are accepted, cases are filed, inquiries are followed, disposal is pushed, complaints are handled", We will comprehensively promote the quick handling and settlement of enforcement cases.

"After receiving the applicant's application for enforcement, we will notify the obligor of the case and go to the court for mediation before enforcement. On the one hand, we can effectively protect the rights and interests of the winning party, solve the case dispute efficiently and quickly, and save judicial resources." Jiang Mingfen, a staff member of the Executive Case Handling Center of the hospital, answers and dials hundreds of calls every day. She told reporters that after the establishment of the Executive Case Handling Center, the parties can directly come to the center to submit evidence, materials and clues, which makes the service more convenient for the people, and can also achieve "separation of simple and complex", which can quickly handle simple cases, thus improving work efficiency.

At the same time, the hospital continues to improve its business capability and service level "internally", and also carries out regular and irregular home visit services "externally". In the conference room of Guanling County Branch of Agricultural Bank of China, the staff of the Execution and Case Handling Center of the hospital is paying a return visit to the bank's source governance work, understanding the follow-up implementation of the case, and listening to the feedback and suggestions of the parties.

As a financial institution, the Bank encountered many loan disputes. Since Guanling began to explore and implement comprehensive governance and source governance, all loan dispute cases submitted by the bank have started the source governance process, which has been solved efficiently and high-quality.

"It used to take three or four months to deal with loan dispute cases, which took quite a long time. Since Guanling carried out source enforcement governance work, pre enforcement reconciliation can be formed quickly through court mediation, and legal obligations can be fulfilled, which is not only very rapid in enforcement efficiency, but also greatly reduces our judicial costs." Yan Hao, Vice President of Agricultural Bank of China Guanling County Sub branch, said that since 2023, the bank has applied for 53 enforcement cases in the People's Court of Guanling Autonomous County, involving 12.36 million yuan. Among them, 46 were successfully mediated, amounting to 10240000 yuan.

It is understood that since 2023, Guanling Autonomous County has promoted the implementation of the source control pilot work at a high level, and has successively issued the "Implementation Plan of Guanling Autonomous County for the Construction of Internal and External Linkage Source Control Pilot", "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Automatic Performance of Parties", "Implementation Measures on Diversified Implementation of Source Control", and "Implementation Measures on the Establishment of Township (Sub district) Village (Community) Collaboration Mechanism" 10 supporting mechanisms and systems were implemented to effectively solve problems such as poor connection and insufficient linkage of implementation work. In addition, a diversified dispute resolution platform covering the "county, township and village" three-level linkage, hierarchical and cohesive cooperation has also been set up to deepen the joint debugging and linkage in the aspects of people search, property inspection and control, credit supervision, strengthening the connection between litigation, investigation and enforcement, and working mechanism, so as to deeply integrate the industry domain and source governance, and achieve the case closure from the source.

"Since 2023, our hospital has accepted 1347 enforcement cases of all kinds, closed 1296 cases, executed 289 million yuan in place, and completed 61.6 days on average, 24.63 days shorter than the same period in 2022, achieving" three increases "in the implementation completion rate, the implementation completion rate, and the actual execution rate, and" three decreases "in the number of new cases received, the time used to close cases, and the implementation complaints." Jin Can said, The People's Court of Guanling Autonomous County will continue to deepen the source of enforcement governance, accelerate the pace of case handling, improve the quality and efficiency of enforcement, focus on promoting the special implementation of people's livelihood related cases, small and medium-sized enterprises cases, financial claims cases, and criminal property related cases, highlight the combination of enforcement and good faith civilized implementation, and constantly promote the efficient operation of enforcement.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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