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Yunda Labor Union establishes rules and regulations to consolidate the foundation of high-quality development of enterprises

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-16 07:43

Original title: Yunda Labor Union establishes rules and regulations to consolidate the foundation of high-quality development of enterprises

CAMCE Shanghai, May 15, by wire( Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network Reporter Pei Longxiang) Today, the third staff congress (enlarged) of Shanghai Yunda Freight Co., Ltd. (the whole network) was held in Shanghai headquarters. Under the witness of relevant leaders of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Yunda's "Management Measures for Honor System", "Management Measures for Vocational Skills Improvement", and the structure and responsibilities of the "Labor Law Supervision Committee of Trade Unions" were publicly released to employees, and the "Management Measures for Factory Affairs Disclosure" were also reviewed and passed. Yunda promotes trade union work by institutionalizing and systematizing, and helps enterprises to take new steps for harmonious and stable development.

Under the active promotion of the China National Defense Posts and Telecommunications Union and the All China Federation of Trade Unions stationed in Yunda, Yunda extensively solicited staff issues, enriched the functions of the workers' congress system, deliberated on matters and systems involving the vital interests of employees, and improved the relevant mechanism in response to the needs of the digital and intellectual transformation of enterprises and the improvement of service quality. According to the published Management Measures for Vocational Skills Improvement, the winners will receive corresponding allowances and bonuses, be included in the "squad leader direct class", and be promoted according to their personal wishes and comprehensive evaluation.

It is reported that Yunda has fully implemented the three-year action plan for labor rights protection services in the new employment form, and further improved the trade union organization system. Recently, 100% coverage of labor union organizations of companies in all provinces and autonomous regions has been achieved. At the same time, we have worked with local governments to vigorously promote the establishment of labor unions by partners, and the annual goal has been achieved ahead of schedule.

In order to fully stimulate the vitality of grassroots trade unions, Yunda also actively builds a working mechanism of online and offline integration and progress. Employing digital intelligent empowerment and rights protection services, the trade union post station information will be directly implanted into the daily work interface of the courier, and nearly 300000 employees will be able to query and enjoy the post station services at any time; Build a "digital service quality" post skills contest platform to achieve full coverage of front-line posts and the whole process of "learning, training and testing" training.

The workers' congress also awarded medals to Yunda's unit that won the National Worker Pioneer this year. The China Workers' Development Foundation presented Yunda's employees with love gift bags, sunstroke prevention supplies, cancer prevention and anti-cancer security cards.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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