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Tianjin Dongli District Federation of Trade Unions Play the Role of "Multi dimensional Service"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-16 08:09

Recently, in order to give full play to the role of the trade union's post station service, improve the service quality of caring for outdoor workers, and continue to do a good job in the "multi-dimensional service" of workers in new employment forms, the Tianjin Dongli District Federation of Trade Unions, together with Xinli Street, Fengnian Street, Zhangguizhuang Street, and Wanxin Street, launched a "empowerment activity" with the theme of "post station+" at the trade union post station of Dongli Wanda Plaza, Let the "diversified expectations" of workers in the new employment form gradually become reality in the trade union post station.

At several trade union stations throughout the region, trade union cadres came forward to take a rest for new employment workers and sanitation workers, and sent learning books such as Xi Jinping's Excerpt on the Working Class and Trade Union Work. After the lecture, the new employment workers and sanitation workers stopped at the "one square meter learning corner" from time to time to read the books they were interested in. Since this year, the District Federation of Trade Unions has extensively built a "one square meter learning corner" in the trade union post station under its jurisdiction, equipped with such books as "Xi Jinping's Excerpts on the Working Class and Trade Union Work", "Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China", "China's Trade Union Constitution", and other magazines, as well as "China's Labor Movement", and carried out theme micro lectures and staff reading and sharing activities in the trade union post station, The District Federation of Trade Unions set up the ideological and political classroom beside the workers in the new employment form, and built the trade union post station into a "propaganda station" of new ideas and new theories.

The Dongli District Federation of Trade Unions has carefully prepared a shared power bank printed with the "Special logo for outdoor workers" for workers in new forms of employment to ensure that their mobile phones can be charged at any time, obtain work information in a timely manner, improve work efficiency, keep in touch with family and friends at all times, provide them with practical convenience, and fully reflect the care and concern of the trade union organization. At the same time, the Dongli District Federation of Trade Unions put part of the shared power bank to the trade union post station within the jurisdiction, and each post station guaranteed sufficient power at any time, providing free use and power exchange services for express delivery and delivery staff. At the activity site, we also carried out employee benefit policy publicity, legal consultation, mental health consultation services for outdoor workers, and answered questions and answered questions, making the labor union post station a "service station" for workers to do practical things.

The Dongli District Federation of Trade Unions has continuously improved the level of service for workers, played the role of "multi-dimensional service" of the trade union as a courier station, continued to carry out various special warm hearted actions for workers in new forms of employment, cared for them, practically implemented their care to practical actions, and created a good fashion of respecting labor and workers in the whole society.

Tianjin Workers Daily Reporter Wu Shuping Correspondent Li Hongyun

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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