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Tianjin Ninghe District Federation of Trade Unions launched volunteer service activities to help the poor

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-16 08:09

Recently, the volunteers of the Tianjin Ninghe District Federation of Trade Unions began to get busy when they went to work in the morning. They quickly loaded the prepared rice, flour, oil, air conditioning and quilts into the trunk of the car, and then rushed to Lantaizi Village, Qilihai Town.

"If you have any difficulties, just tell us that we are the 'mother's family' of the workers." The volunteers of Ninghe District Federation of Trade Unions came to Wang Daniang's home in Lantaizi Village, where she was in trouble. After offering condolences, they began to make friends with her and asked her about her life and health. "Thank you for the concern and sympathy of the trade union for me, and thank you for thinking about me all the time. You are my relatives," Aunt Wang said with emotion.

At the home of Brother Li, a needy crowd, Brother Li held the volunteer's hand tightly and said excitedly, "Thank you. This year has given our family so much care and warmth. We always remember that we will overcome difficulties and live up to your expectations."

The Ninghe District Federation of Trade Unions has made every effort to play the role of the trade union as a bridge and link, listened carefully to the voice of the workers and the masses, conveyed warmth, enhanced feelings, and served the people in need with heart and soul, always taking the warmth and coldness of the people in need into account. During the visit, the volunteers of the Ninghe District Federation of Trade Unions made detailed inquiries about each family in need, learned about their family living conditions and actual difficulties, carefully recorded them in their notebooks, and told them to take good care of themselves and their families, encouraging them to keep an optimistic attitude and face life actively.

This volunteer service activity for helping the poor made the poor people fully feel the care and care of the Party and the government and the warmth of the trade union family.

(Wu Shuping, reporter of Tianjin Workers Daily, Liu Fengzhi, correspondent)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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