Zhonggong Entertainment

Avian influenza outbreak in dairy farms in the United States WHO says the risk of human to human transmission is low

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-05-10 13:00

Original title: Avian influenza outbreak in dairy farms in the United States WHO said the risk of human to human transmission was low

Recently, several dairy farms in the United States have experienced outbreaks of avian influenza, and a case of human infection has occurred. WHO said on the 8th local time that the A/H5N1 avian influenza virus has not shown signs of adapting to human to human transmission, and urged continued monitoring. WHO emphasizes that all virus contacts should be tested or monitored and treated when necessary.

Based on the available information, WHO continues to assess that the risk of A/H5N1 avian influenza to public health is "low", and the risk of infection for occupational contacts is "low to medium".

Editor in charge: Wang Tianyue

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