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Zoucheng, Shandong, "Model Workers and Craftsmen Help Enterprises": Difficulties "Get rid of"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-09 10:06

CAMCE "The air intake system, including the air filter and the air intake pipe, should be kept clean and unobstructed." On May 8, at Fulin Automobile Repair Shop in Zoucheng City, Jining, Shandong Province, an old car shook, which baffled the masters in the factory. In desperation, the person in charge of the enterprise tried to contact Wang Ruhua from the team of Zoucheng Federation of Trade Unions that "model workers and craftsmen help the enterprise" to give some advice.

After arriving at the scene, Wang Ruhua opened the front cover and said, "This kind of vehicle with a long service life has no system fault light, so it needs to be judged according to experience." Wang Ruhua frowned and said, "It is not only impossible to solve the problem, but also easy to create customer conflicts. This is quite a test of the maintenance workers' ability to study and sense of responsibility." Through careful inspection, Wang Ruhua finally found out that the problem was that the intake manifold switch valve failed, causing the vehicle to shake. It solved the customer's "troubles" with little cost and short time.


The picture shows that the members of the team of Zoucheng Federation of Trade Unions "model workers and craftsmen help enterprises" go deep into enterprises to solve production problems. Courtesy of Zoucheng Federation of Trade Unions

"A word of advice from model workers may help enterprises overcome production problems." Zhao Feng, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive vice chairman of Zoucheng Federation of Trade Unions, said that many small and medium-sized enterprises in the city generally have weak technological foundation, insufficient ability to overcome difficulties and poor learning ability. For this reason, since last year, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions has extensively carried out the activity of "model workers and craftsmen to help enterprises". Through the mechanism of "order ordering", precise "delivery" by the trade union, and "technology delivery" by model workers and craftsmen, it has set up a platform, built teams, and trained talents to effectively improve the sustainable development of enterprises in the city.

"'Model workers and craftsmen help enterprises' means that some talent resources are no longer' exclusive 'to an enterprise, but to some extent,' sharing 'has been achieved, thus driving technology quality and efficiency." Zhao Feng said, for example, in the agricultural field, Chen Baolei, a large farmer, brought out nearly 100 agricultural operation talents with an average age of 30 years old, All of them have become all-round agricultural machinery talents who can "go up and down", effectively improving agricultural production efficiency.

It is worth mentioning that the Zoucheng Federation of Trade Unions has also established a model worker mentor pool, a model worker and craftsman talent innovation studio resource pool, and continued to select and enrich the service force of model workers around projects such as technical services, skills training, and management improvement. Up to now, 10 municipal model worker mentors (service teams) with nearly 100 people have been established. At the same time, a group of skilled representatives were selected to form a model craftsman lecturer team, attracting more than 60 excellent model craftsman lecturers and carrying out 30 lectures.

Zhao Feng said that in the next three years, the city's trade unions will organize model workers to carry out activities to help enterprises at least 1000 times; The number of trained staff shall not be less than 10000. (Yan Fei Dai Meige Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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