Zhonggong Entertainment

Naqu County Federation of Trade Unions held "Ankang Cup" safety production knowledge contest

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-08 17:21

On May 7, the Federation of Trade Unions of Ruxian County, Naqu City, Tibet Autonomous Region, held the "Ankang Cup" safety production knowledge contest with the theme of "fighting bravely in the challenge arena to promote learning and ensure safety". 36 people, including the heads of farmers and herdsmen economic cooperation organizations, grain companies, and supply and marketing cooperatives in 9 villages and towns, participated in the knowledge contest.

The safety production knowledge contest questions are divided into three types: must answer questions, scramble questions, and risk questions, which cover many aspects such as safety production laws and regulations, emergency disposal, accident prevention measures, and safety common sense. The contest tested the players' mastery of safety production knowledge through three links: "answer every question", "fight every minute", and "super double". At the competition, the players were full of energy, quick in response, skillful in answering, catching up with each other, and the score kept changing. Especially in the section of scramble for answers and risk questions, the atmosphere at the scene was even more exciting, which fully demonstrated the rich knowledge reserves and good spirit of each team.

After the knowledge contest, all participants watched the safety production warning educational film Danger Coming. (For example, contributed by the County Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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