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In 2024, the Tibet Autonomous Region "Creating the Third Pole" Entrepreneurship Acceleration Camp will open in Lhasa

Source: Lhasa Daily
2024-05-08 10:42

Original title: In 2024, the Tibet Autonomous Region "Creating the Third Pole" Entrepreneurship Acceleration Camp will open in Lhasa

Lhasa Media News (Reporter Hao Yining) In order to deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy, create a good innovation and entrepreneurship ecological environment, promote the growth of enterprises in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and enhance the endogenous power of economic and social development, the Science and Technology Service Center of the Department of Science and Technology of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Service Office of the Liuwu New Area Management Committee of Lhasa, The 2024 Tibet Autonomous Region "Create the Third Pole" Entrepreneurship Acceleration Camp organized by Lhasa High level Talents Innovation Center (preparatory) is planned to open in Lhasa from May to June.

The entrepreneurship acceleration camp is divided into three stages: centralized training, theme sharing and benchmarking enterprise research. The courses cover seven course modules, namely, enterprise valuation and financing strategy, commercial product design and packaging, application of consumer technology in industrial Internet, "36 taboos" for entrepreneurship, recruitment strategies and skills of key talents for start-ups, marketing and competition strategies, and investment model for transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Tu Jing, vice president of Meihua Venture Capital Investment, a leading domestic investment and financing player, will be invited Qi Yunda, Vice President of Inno Angel Fund Investment, Gan Chaoyang, Vice President of Sinostar Investment and other well-known domestic tutors gave face-to-face lectures.

The trainees mainly focus on the founders of entrepreneurial enterprises in the seven major industries of cultural tourism, clean energy, green industry, modern services, plateau biology, border trade logistics, and high-tech digital, as well as outstanding entrepreneurial enterprises and team leaders in Tibet Autonomous Region, high-level entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs in Tibet Autonomous Region.

The entrepreneurship acceleration camp has customized training content according to the actual development needs of start-up enterprises in the Tibet Autonomous Region. It has four characteristics: systematic, practical, action oriented teaching, and on-site teaching. It aims to cultivate and support a group of outstanding talents with innovative spirit and entrepreneurial ability. Through training and practice, members of the acceleration camp will gain stronger entrepreneurial ability and wider resources, providing strong support for their entrepreneurial path. The "5+3" interview and selection system is adopted for the trainees to enter the camp. All enterprises in the Tibet Autonomous Region can apply for participation on the premise of fairness and justice. This phase of entrepreneurship acceleration camp is free for public welfare activities. The registration hotline is 17852421078 (the same WeChat number).

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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