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Since its listing in 2010, the "Nanhai Jiu 115" has been stuck in the South China Sea for a long time——

Dreaming, Modernization and Jointly Drawing a New Vision · Song of Laborers | Rooting the Salvage Force in the Wide South China Sea

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-05-08 10:13

[Dreaming, Modernization, Jointly Drawing a New Vision, the Song of Laborers]

Original title: Since its listing in 2010, the "Nanhai Jiu 115" has been stuck in the South China Sea of the motherland for a long time

Rooting the rescue force in the vast South China Sea (theme)

Worker's Daily - reporter Lai Shuwen of China Industrial Network

The South China Sea is an important sea passage for China, where more and more merchant ships and fishing boats come and go. In order to protect everyone, on July 27, 2018, Nanhai Rescue 115, the South China Sea Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, as China's first professional maritime rescue civil force, entered Nansha Islands and reefs to perform emergency rescue duty.

Recently, a reporter from the Workers' Daily visited to explore the story of how they overcame the harsh climate and environment, explored the waters under their jurisdiction, and deeply rooted the rescue force in the vast South China Sea.

Watch Nansha Standing Tide Head

The Nansha duty dynamic standby point is more than 500 nautical miles away from the mainland. It is a long journey and has a bad natural environment. Personnel rotation, material support, equipment and accessories support and technical support are a major problem.

"The more difficult the place is, the more Party members are needed." Li Wen, secretary of the party committee of the rescue fleet, told reporters that in the face of the special environment of high temperature, high humidity and high salt in the Nansha sea area, the on duty personnel selected excellent political party members, professional and technical backbones, healthy young people, and used sophisticated equipment, capable personnel and superb skills to ensure the stability of the on duty team.

At the same time, in combination with the hydrological characteristics of the Nansha Sea area, the "Nanhai Jiu 115" ship also organized targeted simulation training for stranded ship rescue, water life rescue, diving exploration, obstacle clearing, towing of ships in distress, external fire fighting, etc. Through the preparation of more than 10 rules and regulations related to the operation of rescue ships in the Nansha Work Manual, the emergency duty work plan and emergency plan have been continuously optimized, and the institutionalization, scientization and standardization of rescue ship management have been significantly improved.

"Now we have made significant progress in search and rescue means and technology in Nansha waters, and more and more means are available to deal with maritime rescue and rescue operations. In necessary emergencies, we will also send helicopters, equip professional divers, and carry out three-dimensional rescue operations in the air, on the surface, and underwater." Zhang Guiping, deputy director of the South China Sea Rescue Bureau, said.

Always be prepared to fix the dark blue

Rescue is the central task, and practical training is the daily work.

Over the years, "Nanhai Jiu 115" has adhered to the principle of "improving through training", improved the quality and efficiency of training, and steadily carried out special training such as rescue in severe sea conditions and complex meteorological conditions, towing in strong winds and waves, helicopter night navigation, island reef rescue, underwater emergency rescue, and so on, with its practical skills steadily improved.

In July 2020, a sand and gravel boat was turned over in the waters of eastern Guangdong. After receiving the report, the "Nanhai Jiu 115" ship immediately launched the emergency plan. Relying on the rescue modular delivery construction, the divers and their diving equipment were packed in time and transported to the accident site by rescue helicopters, which shortened the rescue time and successfully rescued a trapped survivor from the turn over boat for 17 hours.

Benefiting from the experience of this rescue case, the "Nanhai Jiu 115" ship applied the modular delivery construction to the Nansha sea area duty, so that the duty force has the ability to quickly respond to the capsizer rescue, underwater emergency rescue and other rescue capabilities in the Nansha sea area. On this basis, China Rescue and Salvage Joint Resident Unit enables the on duty forces to provide emergency and proactive medical services and shorten the rescue time for the people in distress.

Since its listing in 2010, Nanhai Jiu 115 has carried out 111 rescue missions, rescued 1361 people in distress, 42 ships in distress, and the value of the rescued property was about 7.5 billion yuan.

Be responsible for performance

Nansha has dense sea routes, carrying a large number of international trade and logistics transportation missions.

On September 2, 2023, a foreign cargo ship had a main engine failure about 10 nautical miles west of Yongshu, and drifted out of control. There were 19 foreign crew members on board, carrying goods. The South China Sea Rescue Bureau immediately dispatched the "Nanhai Jiu 115", which was on regular duty in the nearby waters, to take emergency measures.

The rescuers found that the ship in distress was less than 5 nautical miles away from the nearby islands and reefs, and was still drifting, which could lead to a dangerous situation of stranding at any time, which was very urgent. The rescuers of Nanhai Jiu 115 immediately organized the towing and rescue operation to overcome the difficulties of high winds, heavy waves, and finally successfully towed the ship in distress away from the shoal area.

On March 3, 2023, a Panamanian cargo ship drifted about 120 nautical miles southwest of Wan'an Beach, Nansha Islands due to engine failure, and 21 crew members on board were in critical condition. After receiving the danger report, Nanhai Jiu 115 rushed to the scene immediately.

There are huge waves on the sea. The waves of 4-5 meters hit the low back deck. After four or five hours, the rescuers soaked in the sea water to complete the towing. After nearly 10 days of unremitting efforts, they successfully towed the cargo ship in distress to the safe waters of the Pearl River Estuary. The towing voyage was nearly 1100 nautical miles. This is the longest and longest towing rescue mission since the establishment of the South China Sea Rescue Bureau.

"Give hope to others and leave danger to yourself." Like this, the Chinese salvage workers have always fulfilled their commitments with practical actions.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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