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Tianjin Hebei District Federation of Trade Unions: 123 stations provide high-quality services synchronously

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-08 07:50

A few days ago, the Hebei District Federation of Trade Unions in Tianjin organized a series of outdoor workers' themed service day activities of "love in spring, sunny post road". All 123 trade union post stations in the district participated, giving full play to the role of post stations as "spiritual harbor", and providing diversified, personalized and accurate services for outdoor workers in the district, Let outdoor workers fully experience the feeling of going home. On the day of the activity, we also set up a new business legal escort studio at the trade union post station of Huanyuli Community, Wangchuanchang Street. Throughout the event, each site has served more than 2200 people in total.

Each post station attaches great importance to this series of activities, actively participates in them, carefully organizes them, combines their own work reality, widely mobilizes social resources, carries out various activities with rich contents, and provides various forms of service projects such as health free clinic, legal consultation, health lectures, artistic performances, psychological counseling, etc. The leaders of the District Federation of Trade Unions led the team to go to Ludeli Community Trade Union Station in Hongshunli Street, Huanyuli Community Trade Union Station in Wangchuanchang Street, Tianjin Bocui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Trade Union Station, Dongchangli Community Trade Union Station in Xinkaihe Street, Meihongyuan Community Trade Union Station in Jianchang Road Street, and Zhenyuanli Community Trade Union Station in Ningyuan Street for field investigation and visit, We also worked with the staff of the post station on the site to provide services for the vast number of outdoor workers, which narrowed the distance between the District Federation of Trade Unions and trade union organizations at all levels and the broad masses of workers, and truly implemented the working system of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, "I am with front-line workers".

At the trade union post station of Huanyuli Community in Wangchuanchang Street, Huanyuli Community, together with Wangchuanchang Street Judicial Office and Qiangzi Police Station, set up a new business legal escort studio, and held a licensing ceremony at the event site. The trade union cadres had a demand meeting with delivery staff, sanitation workers, taxi drivers, etc., to provide them with accurate and effective help. The legal escort studio of the new business will solve various legal problems that the workers of the new employment form may encounter in their work, provide professional legal advice and services, and protect their legitimate rights and interests. The studio will also hold regular legal lectures, seminars and other activities to improve the legal awareness and legal literacy of workers in new forms of employment.

The trade union post station of Wanghai Gongfu Community, Guangfudao Street invited Xu Wenhua, the winner of the National May Day Labor Medal and part-time vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, to carry out the theme of "love and dedication, responsibility on the shoulder", and tell the story of struggle in combination with his 35 years of work experience and social experience. At the same time, community workers distribute condolences to security guards, sanitation workers, property service personnel, police and other outdoor workers, so that they can feel the warmth of the organization.

On the same day, the labor union post station of Wanghailou Community carried out a happy life market activity, which was colorful and varied in categories to meet the diverse needs of residents. The site includes policy publicity, caring hairdressing, blind date registration, oral examination, TCM physical examination and other convenient services, as well as providing free drinks, ice powder and other snacks, attracting many outdoor workers to "catch up with the fair" to enhance their cohesion and centripetal force.

Tianjin Workers Daily Reporter Jiang Kaiqi

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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