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Xilinhot Municipal Federation of Trade Unions launched the special action of public legal service for workers in new employment forms

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-07 14:27

On April 30, the Xilinhot City Federation of Trade Unions in Inner Mongolia launched a special action on public welfare legal services for workers in the new form of employment, "work to build dreams and the rule of law follow".

A legal advice desk was set up at the activity site. Lawyer Zhao Shujun, legal adviser of Xilinhot Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, provided legal advice and legal aid for employees free of charge, and answered all kinds of legal problems encountered by employees in their work and life. The legal service team of the trade union carried out legal publicity, and distributed legal knowledge publicity materials such as the Trade Union Law, the Articles of Association of the Trade Union, the Regulations of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the Legal Supervision of the Trade Union, the Manual for the Protection of the Rights of Rural and Animal Husbandry Migrant Workers, and the Manual for the Protection of the Rights of Workers to the workers in the new employment form.

Xilinhot Municipal Federation of Trade Unions regards the special action of public welfare legal services for workers in new forms of employment as an important part of the implementation of the "Eighth Five Year Plan" for law popularization, gives full play to the advantages of the trade union organization and the expertise of lawyers, does a targeted job of legal services for workers in new forms of employment, guides enterprises to regulate employment according to law, and unblocks the channels for workers to rationally express their demands according to law, Prevent and resolve labor disputes, optimize labor security services, create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care, take care of and care for workers in the new form of employment, and ensure the harmony and stability of workers in the new form of employment and platform enterprises. (Qi Shuxin)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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