Zhonggong Entertainment

The 2024 Chinese style Pastry Vocational Skills Competition of Huai'an County Federation of Trade Unions in Hebei Province was held

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-05-07 13:30

On April 30, the Chinese style pastry vocational skills competition hosted by the Huai'an County Federation of Trade Unions in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province was held in the staff activity center of the County Federation of Trade Unions.

This competition employs professional teachers from Zhangjiakou Qianyi Vocational Training School as the judges. The competition adopts the form of individual competition and group competition, and consists of two parts: theoretical knowledge examination and skill competition, both of which are scored by the percentage system. 55 Chinese pastry workers participated in the competition, which included two-color rolls, cupcakes, cream and red date cakes. In the competition, each player completed each operation in a tight and orderly manner in strict accordance with the skill requirements, fully demonstrating the exquisite skills and professional demeanor of the Chinese pastry practitioners.

After fierce competition, a first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes were awarded.

Professional skills of Chinese pastry competition The purpose is to promote learning through competition, promote practice through competition, meet friends through competition, communicate with each other, improve the skill level and overall quality of employees, move towards specialization and skill, and strive to promote the whole county to a new level.

Next, Huai'an County Federation of Trade Unions will continue to develop various skills competition We will guide the staff and workers to improve their skills, give full play to the functions of trade unions in leading, serving and connecting with the staff and workers, and contribute to building a strong economic county and a beautiful Huai'an. (Zhang Xiaofei)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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