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Model Worker · May Day Labor Medal of Guizhou Province | Cen Shifeng: Dream Builder of Students in Buyi Mountain Area

Source: Qianxinan Daily
2024-05-06 15:27

Original title: Dream Builder of Students in Buyi Mountain Area -- On Cen Shifeng, a model worker in Guizhou Province

Special correspondent Hu Yunxue of Qianxinan Daily

The spring breeze turns into rain to breed peaches and plums, and the teachers are ingenious dreamers. Cen Shifeng, who has taught in Wangmokafa Primary School and Daguan Town Central Primary School, wrote a song of struggling people with his youth, and won the titles of "May Day Labor Medal" in Southwest Guizhou, "May Day Labor Medal" in Guizhou Province, "Most Beautiful Worker" in Guizhou Province, and "Advanced Worker" in Guizhou Province.


In 2007, Cen Shifeng graduated from Qianxinan Normal University for Nationalities. When she graduated, she could choose to teach in primary and secondary schools with good conditions around the county, but she unexpectedly chose to go to Kafa Primary School, a remote mountain primary school.

Cen Shifeng still remembers that on the afternoon of the day when she went to report for duty, she sat in a minibus and shook on the rugged mountain road for more than two hours. The muddy road was dusty. When she arrived at Kafa Village Primary School, she was already a "grey person".

For the first time on the platform, Cen Shifeng taught students to read the text in standard Mandarin, but none of the students spoke. The brave student asked, "Teacher, we can't understand where you are talking!"

Cen Shifeng was unable to laugh or cry, and quickly explained to the students that he was speaking Mandarin.

"We can speak Buyi, Miao and Chinese, but we have never heard Mandarin." The students chattered in Buyi dialect in class.

After class, Cen Shifeng learned from President Chen that the school is located in a remote area, and the teachers in class use Buyi and Chinese dialects to teach, so most children can only understand dialects.

Cen Shifeng, who did not understand Buyi, was not frightened by the difficulties, but secretly made a decision to teach "multilingualism". She made full use of her spare time to learn Buyi language from the villagers in the Buyi village, sentence by sentence, again and again. She just learned Buyi language "home" in a few months.

Since then, Cen Shifeng has adopted the "multilingual" teaching of Putonghua+Buyi, Miao and Chinese dialects in class. The slow progress has broken the situation that children in mountainous areas dare not speak Putonghua, and the children's academic performance has also been improved qualitatively.


Cen Shifeng attaches more importance to "teaching" and more importance to "education". Since she became the head teacher, she has devoted herself to caring for every child, and tried her best to help and guide them, so that students can grow up under the care of love.

One day in November 2010, after school, Wu Xuan, a student, suddenly told Cen Shifeng that his father would not let him read. Cen Shifeng was shocked. Why didn't he read it when he was in the fifth grade? She invited a male teacher as a companion to visit Wu's home in the rain.

They climbed over one mountain after another and walked for more than two hours before they reached Wu Xuan's home.

Cen Shifeng tried to persuade Wu Changfa for several hours and promised to help his father find a job. Wu Changfa finally relented and agreed to let his children continue to school.

After returning, Cen Shifeng immediately found an acquaintance to help Wu Changfa find a job on the construction site. With a stable income, Wu Changfa no longer mentioned the matter of letting Wu Xuan drop out of school.

Cen Shifeng has met many such things.

After the Spring Festival in 2011, Cen Shifeng received a phone call from the village head: "A girl in your class wants to go to Guangdong with her aunt to work. I have tried to persuade her to stay for a long time. She has already taken the bus to the county seat, so she can only call you."

Cen Shifeng was worried, and immediately asked his wife to drive with her to intercept the bus on the way to the city and find the girl.

It turned out that the girl's parents had been working outside for a long time. Nobody cared about her, and she was rebellious. Cen Shifeng took the student home half pulled and half persuaded, took care of her as her own child, and helped her with her homework. Later, the girl entered the university and got a stable job.

One day in 2023, the girl's parents called and said gratefully, "Miss Cen, without you, she would not enter the university, nor would she have a job... Our family will thank you all our lives!"


The altitude of Kafa Primary School is high, the temperature is low, and the air is humid. The dormitory built along the slope has serious water seepage and is very humid. Cen Shifeng unknowingly suffers from severe rheumatism. Every time the weather changes, the wind blows and gets cold, which causes severe pain. If the pain becomes unbearable, he will take some analgesics. Doctor Wang from the village clinic felt sorry for her and suggested that she take a leave to recuperate. But she said: "Every class is very important to students. My feet only ache for a while. If I delay students, I will live forever. I'm still young, and I can stand the pain."

After a long period of overwork, she suffered from cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis... But even so, she still stuck to her guns without complaining. The routine work of preparing lessons and correcting homework has not been left behind.

Because of the inconvenience of transportation when she teaches in a mountain school, Cen Shifeng seldom goes home at ordinary times. Most of the time she stays at the school to make up lessons for students with poor foundation, or visits students' homes to visit students with difficult families... She spends all her time on education and accompanying other people's children, but only on holidays can accompany her own children.

In 2014, with the growing number of teachers, the shortage of teachers in Kafa Primary School was completely solved. Considering Cen Shifeng's physical condition, the organization transferred her to teach in Daguan Town Central Primary School, and she finally had more time to accompany her children.

Since teaching, no matter where he is, Cen Shifeng has always interpreted the true meaning of a "teacher's ingenuity" with his actions, influencing and driving every colleague around him with his own actions, and supporting the dream of growing up and becoming a talent of students in Buyi Mountain Village with love.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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