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Dreaming, Modernization and Jointly Drawing a New Vision · Song of Laborers | "Nanhai Rescue 115" Round: Hold up the hope of life of 2 million square kilometers

Source: Xinhua
2024-05-01 20:19

Xinhua News Agency, Haikou, May 1, Report Title: Nanhai Rescue 115: Hold up the hope of life of 2 million square kilometers

Xinhua News Agency reporter Summer

It was in July when the ship "Nanhai Jiu 115" slowly passed 12 degrees north latitude, and the blue silk sea was cut off by the bow. Li Wanxin, the then chief mate, stepped on the deck, and the seagulls flew and the fish turned the waves. He was delighted that the vibrant sea meant that the island was near.

On July 27, 2018, the South China Sea Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport sent the "Nanhai Jiu 115" ship to Nansha Island Reef for duty, which was the first time that Chinese professional rescue forces were on duty in Nansha waters.

"Nanhai Jiu 115" is a large 9000kW professional marine rescue ship designed and built by China itself. It has the functions of maritime search and rescue, fire fighting, towing, oil spill removal, underwater lifesaving, helicopter takeoff and landing, and has participated in "September 29 Xisha Search and Rescue", Malaysia Airlines MH370 search and rescue and other urgent and dangerous tasks.

Up to now, Nanhai Jiu 115 has been on duty for the longest time in the sea area (about 2 million square kilometers) under the jurisdiction of Sansha City. It is just a batch of crew members who have overcome difficulties and dedicated themselves, holding up the hope of life in the blue sea.

On April 7, "Nanhai Jiu 115" was on duty in Xisha sea area, Sansha City. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter in summer

For the first batch of sailors six years ago, Nansha was a sea area with tortuous routes, complicated hydrology and "wayward" weather. Li Wanxin recalled the hard times of exploration.

In the open sea, fresh water, fruits and vegetables and other materials are scarce, and the deck, engine room and other operating areas are extremely hot. The newly arrived Nanhai Jiu 115 is caught in "acclimatization".

The high temperature, humidity and salt environment in the South China Sea accelerated the corrosion of hull equipment, and the workload of maintenance doubled. "The bow is rusty and the stern is rusty again and again." But Li Wanxin was most impressed by the unpredictable severe convection weather and the "calm three foot wave". The clear sky overhead suddenly covered with dark clouds. Suddenly, the level 10 gust on the sea surface rolled up waves of four or five meters, or the seemingly calm sea surface actually kept surging.

Dangerous situations and tasks may come at any time. "If your own safety cannot be guaranteed, how can you talk about rescuing others?" "The worse the environment is, the more training must be strengthened!" Captain Chen Baizhao organized the crew to carry out targeted island reef rescue, diving, fire fighting, decontamination and other training in combination with the characteristics of Nansha islands and waters. In view of the harsh meteorological environment in Nansha, the crew's work and rest time should be adjusted reasonably to speed up adaptation to the new environment.

In the high impression of the third officer, Li Wanxin always wrote down every detail of his daily work in this book, involving the turn of course, hydrometeorology, rescue training, equipment maintenance, fresh water supply, garbage disposal... The dense handwriting has been collated and compiled, which condensed the valuable experience of the first batch of duty guards stationed in Nansha into the Nansha Duty Work Manual, providing detailed guidance to the later, It will lay a solid foundation for long-term duty in Nansha to carry out maritime rescue.

On April 10, the deck personnel of Nanhai Jiu 115 were installing safety ropes on the deck to ensure the safety of deck operators in extreme weather. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter in summer

On April 10, the crew of "Nanhai Jiu 115" was carrying out leak stoppage emergency drill in the rudder room. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter in summer

In the minds of many sailors, "Nanhai Jiu 115" is a "pioneer ship", but also a "hero ship". By January 2024, "Nanhai Jiu 115" had successfully completed 10 batches of 903 day Nansha duty tasks, during which 38 rescue missions were carried out, and 10 ships and 280 people were rescued in distress.

We strictly abide by the safety bottom line in every detail, and only pay attention to the wind and rain when in danger. "The 407 person rescue fleet of the South China Sea Rescue Bureau has sent 500 people to the Nansha Sea area, and the crew members who have followed the Nanhai Rescue 115 ship are more aware that they have to enter Nansha to ensure the safety of life and fulfill their international obligations in the face of all difficulties." Wu Jiancheng, director of the South China Sea Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, said that maritime rescue does not recognize national boundaries, and sometimes does not count costs. This is a commitment to the international community, but also a respect for life.

In March 2023, a foreign cargo ship drifted near Wan'an Beach, Nansha Islands due to engine failure and was in danger. The Nanhai Jiu 115, who was on duty in Nansha, was ordered to go to the rescue. "After sailing at full speed for 20 hours in the harsh sea conditions with a wave height of 5 meters, several brothers got seasick, but they still had to vomit," said Lu Daming, the boatswain.

This is the record of the southernmost, farthest and longest rescue since the establishment of the South China Sea Rescue Bureau. The whole rescue voyage exceeded 2200 nautical miles, including 14 days of towing voyage of nearly 1100 nautical miles. Finally, 21 people escaped.

On March 4, 2023, "Nanhai Jiu 115" was towing and rescuing a foreign cargo ship in the Nansha sea area. Lu Daming (first from the right) was disassembling the towing clamp and adjusting the cable on the deck. (Courtesy of respondents)

Lu Daming, a Tanmen man in Hainan, was once a fisherman in the South China Sea and was more familiar with the sea than other sailors. In 2005, he and dozens of fishing boats were stranded for two days and two nights in a typhoon in Dongsha Islands, and the supplies would be exhausted. "Fortunately, the South China Sea rescue ship arrived in time to deliver food and water, and also to treat the sick and wounded. The rescue ship stayed nearby for several days until it escorted us back to the port."

When Lu Daming, in despair, first saw the words "China's aid", he planted the seeds of being a rescuer in his heart. Having experienced despair, he wanted to hold up hope. In 2008, Lu Daming joined the rescue fleet to learn to become a sailor. In just a few years, he became a "star boatswain" by virtue of his superb skills. He has participated in several maritime security missions, and also participated in international maritime rescue on behalf of China. "The rescue spirit of 'giving others the hope of life and leaving the danger of death to myself' has always inspired me to fight against the wind and waves and face difficulties," Lu Daming said.

As the whole country celebrated May Day, Nanhai Jiu 115 was on duty in the Nansha sea area at the southern end of the motherland, ready to go against the wind at any time.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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