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The song of the laborer, the "local" expert who works in the farmland, is in the middle!

Source: CCTV News Client
2024-05-01 14:39

Original title: The song of the laborer The "native" expert who works in the farmland, middle!

"May Day" International Labor Day is coming. People are working hard. Labor is the source of all happiness. The wheels of the times roll forward. Every step we take is soaked in the hard work and silent dedication of hundreds of millions of working people. They are in the fields, in factories, on the road, at the forefront of rescue and rescue. Workers in the new era not only have strength, but also have wisdom, technology, invention and innovation. They compose the songs of workers in the new era in their respective posts. A series of reports, "Song of Laborers", pay tribute to those workers who have made extraordinary achievements in ordinary jobs.

Reliable "soil" experts in the minds of farmers

As the saying goes, "Every crop has its own flower, and it depends on fertilizer". How to apply fertilizer scientifically, Wang Qing'an, head of the Soil and Fertilizer Station of Huojia County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, has studied for 33 years. Wang Qing'an not only studies on his own, but also, as the chief expert of science popularization in Henan Province, he tells the farmers the truth about it and becomes the most reliable "soil" expert in the minds of local farmers.

Now, Henan wheat is heading and flowering, and the key filling period is May. Meanwhile, the quality of field water and fertilizer management is directly related to the wheat harvest this year. As more and more farmers came to Wang Qing'an for advice and guidance, he simply moved his office directly to the farmland.

After all, the coverage of communication with farmers is limited. Wang Qing'an took a short video specifically to focus on the common problems of spring pipe at this stage.

After 33 years of working in Huojia County Soil Fertilizer Station, Lao Wang's mobile phone has become the local agricultural technology hotline. He created the WeChat public account of "Hejia Soil Fertilizer" to release all kinds of agricultural knowledge and technical guidance. Wang Qing'an has also become a close friend of many farmers.

Xu Fangzi, a grain grower in Huojia County, Xinxiang City: Last year, our wheat grew very strong when it rained in the rotten field. When he stood beside me, he felt very secure and the harvest was in sight.

"Local" experts guard the food bowl

So why do farmers trust Wang Qing'an so much? It also starts from his decades of dedicated research on soil formula and fertilization technology.

There are clay, sandy soil and loam distributed in Huojia County. To achieve high grain yield, it is necessary to know how to water and fertilize different soils in different years and seasons. To this end, Wang Qing'an set up ten test sites throughout the county, soaking in the fields all the year round to collect data.

Wang Qing'an, Head of Soil and Fertilizer Station of Huojia County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Xinxiang City: Before sowing every year, we recommend three to four formulas to farmers based on the test results. Without careful work, we can't get accurate data. With data, we can speak confidently to the people.

For many years, Wang Qing'an has been exploring the integration technology of drip irrigation and micro spray irrigation with water and fertilizer to solve the problem of excessive labor cost in farmland irrigation. In China, this technology is mostly used for cash crop management in greenhouses, and rarely used in open grain fields in a large scale.

Wang Qing'an, Head of Soil and Fertilizer Station of Huojia County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Xinxiang City: The cost is not high, the operation is complex and not complicated, the watering saves effort, and the fertilizer can be used... a series of problems.

If you don't understand, ask experts. After coming back, try again and again. Finally, Wang Qing'an mastered the technology of water fertilizer integration for grain crops. This method can not only save 50 cubic meters of water per mu, reduce 20% to 30% of fertilizer application, but also increase grain production by more than 15% when used locally. In 2019, Wang Qing'an decided to promote it in the whole county, but farmers did not accept it at first.

Wang Qing'an, Head of Soil and Fertilizer Station of Huojia County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Xinxiang City: At the beginning, I didn't believe that the fat water could produce high yield without asking people. It is impossible to use less water, less fertilizer and high yield.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. At that time, villager Guo Weigang had just contracted 200 mu of farmland. The land is sandy. It is nearly 1 meter higher in the south than in the north. It is difficult to water the land, but it also leaks water and fertilizer.

Under the careful guidance of Wang Qing'an, Guo Wei's sandy soil field yielded 600 kg of wheat per mu that year, twice as much as that of the same plot under traditional management. Seeing the real benefits, farmers began to lay drip irrigation belts in their fields.

With the launch of a new round of national action to increase grain production capacity of 100 billion kg, Wang Qing'an is now busier. The soil condition was further investigated, the water and fertilizer management was more refined, the agricultural technology online training was updated, and the daily schedule was full.

Wang Qing'an has a habit that no matter which farmer calls him for advice, he will save the phone number of the other farmer. Today, he has saved more than 1000 farmer households' telephones.

Wang Qing'an, Head of Soil and Fertilizer Station of Huojia County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Xinxiang City: Farmers are contributors to national food security in the process of farming. We can provide him with some services so that he can collect more. Once you solved the problem for the people, they said, "Lao Wang is really good. I feel satisfied.".

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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