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Dreaming, Modernization and Jointly Drawing a New Vision · Song of Laborers | Zhang Zhijuan: "Healing the sick and saving the people is the same everywhere"

Source: Guangming Daily
2024-04-30 14:23

[Dreaming, Modernization, Jointly Drawing a New Vision, the Song of Laborers]

"Healing the sick and saving the people is the same everywhere"

Guangming Daily reporter Ren Huan Yang Tongtong

He is dressed in a white coat, wears a pair of glasses, and has soft eyes. He always worries about the health of the villagers before and after work... This is the impression of Gaofa Village villagers on the village doctor Zhang Zhijuan.

In 1994, after graduating from the medical class of Yangbi Vocational High School in Dali, Yunnan, Zhang Zhijuan chose to return to Gaofa Village, Pingpo Town, Yangbi County, where she was born, as a village doctor. Some students in the class asked Zhang Zhijuan, why not go to places with better conditions? She replied, "Healing the sick and saving the people is the same everywhere."

As long as the villagers have demand, Zhang Zhijuan is available at any time. One summer day in 2001, at 3:00 a.m., Zhang Zhijuan received an emergency call from a villager 7 kilometers away: a woman was in difficult labor, and the situation was very critical! "It was very dark and raining, so the originally rugged mountain road was more difficult to walk. However, I was very worried about the villagers who were facing the front line of life and death." After more than an hour of driving on the mountain road with a flashlight, Zhang Zhijuan rushed to the scene and saved the mother and son.

Since she became a village doctor, Zhang Zhijuan has always put the health of the people in mind. From organizing physical examination for women of the right age to accompanying seriously ill patients to county, state and provincial hospitals for examination and treatment, to regular door-to-door service, Zhang Zhijuan cares about the villagers meticulously, and she often pays medical fees to needy people from her own pocket.

Zhang Zhijuan closely guarded the health of more than 2000 villagers in Gaofa Village and surrounding villages. Zhang Zhijuan often carries a diagnosis and treatment box to visit villages and treat patients, serving more than 3000 people every year. She also carried out TCM physique identification and health guidance for the elderly over 65 years old, serving more than 200 people every year; Health education, vaccination and routine physical examination were carried out for children aged 0 to 6 years old, and more than 800 people were served every year.

Every time the superior department organizes training, Zhang Zhijuan actively participates. In order to master traditional Chinese medicine massage, massage, acupuncture and other physiotherapy, she also learned skills from teachers and learned them deeply. In 2023, Gaofa Village will build a 220 square meter TCM museum, which will be awarded the "Model TCM Room of Dali Prefecture (TCM Pavilion)" by Dali Health Commission and Dali Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Since then, Zhang Zhijuan has felt more responsible, studied Chinese medicine more diligently, and fulfilled the responsibility of being a grass-roots doctor.

Health is the key to life. Over the years, in the eyes of the villagers' expectation and trust, Zhang Zhijuan has always stuck to her job. In the meantime, there were many opportunities to leave here, but she said, "It's good to stay here. Why should I leave?". The angel in white interprets the benevolence of doctors with love, and holds up the health dream of villagers with practical actions.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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