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Dreaming, Modernization and Jointly Drawing a New Vision, the Song of Laborers | The "Triple" Identity of Bai Women Zhang Zhijuan

Source: Farmers Daily
2024-04-30 07:56

Former title: Zhang Zhijuan's "Triple" Identity of Bai Women

Miao Yi, reporter of Farmer Daily and China Rural Network

"My wife's life was saved by Dr. Zhang, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart!" In Gaofa Village, Pingpo Town, Yangbi Yi Autonomous County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, there are still many heartfelt thanks. Whenever people mention Zhang Zhijuan, a village doctor who is familiar to both men and women, young and old, people will give a thumbs up and praise her.

Since seeing this dark, gentle Bai woman in the Gaofa village clinic, she has never stopped working. Having rooted in the village with high incidence for more than 30 years, Zhang Zhijuan is not only a village doctor, but also the secretary of the first branch of the village general party branch and the chairman of the village women's federation.

If the initial center is the "origin", stick to it is the "radius". Zhang Zhijuan, who holds several posts, cares for everyone in the multi-ethnic family of Gaofa Village with enthusiasm and selflessness.

"Doctor Zhang", who defends the health of the villagers

In the morning, on the way to the village clinic, the villagers who came and went greeted Zhang Zhijuan warmly. After a while, she received an emergency call for medical treatment. Without saying anything, she immediately took up the diagnosis and treatment box to make a home call.

This is Zhang Zhijuan's ordinary daily life. She has been a doctor for nearly 30 years. She has already traveled all over the mountains and rivers of 13 natural villages in Gaofa Village, guarding the health of more than 2000 villagers in the whole village and surrounding villages.

"As long as the masses need her, she is always on call, regardless of the day." Xiong Yafei, a young Yi man in the Shuijing Villagers' Group, was born in the early morning of the summer 23 years ago. His mother's life was in danger because of childbirth difficulties. At that time, Zhang Zhijuan, who had been pregnant for more than eight months, was very worried after receiving the call for help. She dragged her heavy body, hid from her family, and lit a flashlight. She walked for more than an hour at night to the scene and saved the mother and son. "It was raining that night. It was very dark and the road was very slippery. There was no family on the rugged mountain road for several kilometers. Although I was afraid, I chose to overcome my fear when I thought of the lying in women who were on the front line of life and death." Zhang Zhijuan still remembers the scene at that time. "In those years when conditions were backward, I delivered more than 80 babies successively."

Gaofa Village is nearly 30km away from the county seat. In order to solve the problem of medical treatment difficulty that has plagued the local people for a long time, it has become one of Zhang Zhijuan's main ways of working to travel around villages with medical kits. Today, she serves more than 3000 people a year by herself to publicize health knowledge and diagnose and treat patients.

Health is the key to life. "I have been a doctor for nearly 30 years, and I will work for another 30 years as long as my physical condition allows." Zhang Zhijuan wants to be a "doctor Zhang" who will protect the life and health of the people in the mountain area all her life.

"Secretary Zhang" entrusted with duties

"Traditional Chinese medicine in China is extensive and profound. Yi medicine and Bai medicine, for example, have unique effects on our compatriots in ethnic minority areas. I will study them carefully when I have time." As the secretary of the first branch under the General Party Branch of Gaofa Village, Zhang Zhijuan has been actively exploring ways to promote the deep integration of party building and the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

A few years ago, a patient suffered from swollen toes and difficulty in walking due to overwork. Zhang Zhijuan treated her with acupuncture instead of infusion. She only pricked two needles. After 40 minutes, the patient felt much more comfortable. After three days of treatment, she walked freely. This boosted Zhang Zhijuan's confidence. She led the branch committee and all party members to convey the correct medical concept to the villagers, so that they can understand Chinese medicine.

After years of accumulation, Zhang Zhijuan's medical skills and medical ethics have gained a small reputation in all over the country. Once, there was a child massage agency in downtown Dali who wanted to hire her at a high salary, but she declined. "In fact, over the years, I have given up several opportunities to go out of the mountains. My roots are here, my father and fellow villagers are here, and I hope to see the villagers of all ethnic groups are healthy!" Zhang Zhijuan used her perseverance, courage and boldness to bring the party members together to form a working force, The grass-roots party organizations in remote mountainous areas are playing the role of a fighting fortress to the greatest extent.

Last year, Gaofa Village built a 220 square meter Chinese medicine museum, which was awarded the "Dali Normal Chinese Medicine Pavilion" by Dali Health Commission and Dali Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration. Since then, Zhang Zhijuan has felt more responsible: "As a party member, I must scrupulously abide by the responsibilities of a grass-roots doctor."

"Sister Zhang", who supports women

At the age of 19, she was elected as the woman director of Gaofa Village. Someone asked, what did Zhang Zhijuan rely on when she was young?

Be modest and friendly to others. Based on this, Zhang Zhijuan has worked as a village woman for 30 years and won the trust of the whole village.

For 30 years, as long as Zhang Zhijuan does not go out to see the doctor and the masses have contradictions, the Gaofa Village Health Center has become a temporary mediation room. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, husband and wife in the village, ranging from conflicts to divorce, women of all ethnic groups like to shout "Sister Zhang" to help mediate, and are willing to let her preside over justice. And "Sister Zhang" can always give everyone a convincing solution.

When Zhang Zhijuan was asked where the secret of solving these conflicts over the years was, she just smiled and said: "Just like dealing with our own family conflicts, we should think more from another's perspective, put ourselves in the position of the problem, and think more about others, so that we can always turn big things into small ones."

Zhang Zhijuan is particularly attentive to children from divorced families and left behind children. She often goes to school to care about their learning and growth. For the left behind elderly and women, she also tries her best to understand their production and living conditions, and actively seeks funds from superiors to subsidize the disadvantaged groups.

In the rush to help the world, preach the spirit of the Party, mediate conflicts, and pay attention to difficult groups, Zhang Zhijuan has won many honors: the national advanced individual to safeguard the rights and interests of women and children, Yunnan health defender, and outstanding Communist Party member of Dali...... But in Zhang Zhijuan's mind, it is the most important to use her "triple" identity to warm others.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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