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Dreaming, Modernization, Jointly Drawing a New Vision, the Song of Laborers | Striving for a New Journey, the Most Glorious Labor -- Approaching Five Advanced Laborers

Source: Xinhua
2024-04-30 07:54

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 29

Xinhua News Agency Journalists Jiang Lin, Tian Jinwen, Zhang Sijie, Zhuang Beining, Lin Guangyao

Labor creates happiness, and hard work makes great achievements.

In the vast fields, busy factories, accessible roads, and quiet laboratories... in busy April, looking across the land of China, the vast number of workers are working hard at their own posts to push the wheels of the times forward with diligence and wisdom.

With a diameter of 14.57 meters, a length of 135 meters, and a total weight of 4350 tons, the super diameter shield machines "Dinghai" and "Yongzhou", which were recently launched, are like two giant "underground dragons", and are being installed and tested in the Jintang undersea tunnel of Ningbo Zhoushan railway, the world's longest undersea high-speed railway tunnel. After completion, they will be constructed from both ends of the tunnel and dug into the sea in May.

On April 18, 2024, the cutterhead of the "Yongzhou" shield machine was lifted to the starting shaft of the shield machine at Ningbo side of the Jintang undersea tunnel of the Yongzhou Railway (UAV photo). Photographed by Huang Zongzhi, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Zhang Shuaikun, Vice President of Railway Construction Heavy Industry Heading Machine Research and Design Institute, is the leader in the research and development of this national key weapon. Sixteen years ago, as a shield driver, he used imported "foreign shield machines" and was "choked" by foreigners everywhere. Now, Zhang Shuaikun leads the team to independently develop domestic shield machines, so that key core technologies are in their own hands.

"As the General Secretary said, 'Socialism is a work, and the new era is a struggle'. Happiness will not fall from the sky, and dreams will not come true automatically." Zhang Shuaikun said, "We are accelerating the scientific research of large diameter shield machines, and launching an impact on many higher goals, such as high-end and intelligent."

On April 26, 2023, Zhang Shuaikun checked the production in the workshop. Photographed by Xue Yuge, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Finger flipping, more than 4000 spindle joints of 3 spinning frames, roving replacement and doffing; The 18 members of Zhao Mengtao's group in the workshop of the textile department of the first branch of Shaanxi Xianyang Textile Group work daily.

More than 70 years ago, Zhao Mengtao, a model worker, overfulfilled the production plan every year, and kept improving his technology, which became a banner of the industry. Now, the "Zhao Mengtao Group" named after her insists on making progress in inheritance. The group has achieved a number of innovative achievements, and continuously improved efficiency and efficiency for the enterprise.

From generation to generation, there is not only technology, but also spirit. April 27 this year is the 61st anniversary of the naming of Zhao Mengtao Group. Wang Dan, the 14th team leader, said: "As a collective with a glorious history and fine traditions, we must live up to our mission and drive more teams to become the most beautiful strivers in the new era."

At the Shunfeng Express Center in Deqing District, Duilong, Lhasa, Tibet, Tserentsom, 44, was quickly checking the sorting of the express. "The May Day holiday is approaching, and the number of packages has increased significantly. We have to be busy until one or two in the morning to get off work."

On April 22, 2024, Tserenchom (middle) and his colleagues sorted express goods together. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Mei Duoji

For more than 10 years, Tserentsom has been dedicated to completing every task in Lhasa Shunfeng Express, and has won a series of honors, such as the National May Day Labor Medal and the "Most Beautiful Employee".

"The General Secretary said, 'Glory belongs to workers, happiness belongs to workers', and I was very touched." Tserentsom said, "Tibet is far away, and I always remember the happy expression of customers when they received express delivery at the beginning of delivery. Now it is more convenient for people to receive express delivery, and there are more packages sent out. May is the harvest season of cordyceps sinensis and matsutake, and it is also our busiest time. However, as long as I think that Tibet's special products are sold nationwide or even overseas through the express network, I am very happy and feel that this job is very valuable. "

In Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, the highest temperature in April has reached 39 ℃. Whenever he goes to the tropical rainforest to learn about the behavior of wild Asian elephants, Xiong Chaoyong has to endure the hot and humid climate and mosquito bites, as well as guard against poisonous snakes and beasts.

On April 25, 2024, Xiong Chaoyong (right) gave the rescue elephant dragon a physical examination. Photograph provided by respondents

Xiong Chaoyong has been dealing with elephants for nearly 20 years. Because of his outstanding performance in the field of wild Asian elephant conservation, he has become an "elephant doctor" and "elephant father" to save endangered species and won the National May Day Labor Medal. Two years ago, Xiong Chaoyong was transferred to the Asian Elephant Conservation and Management Center in Xishuangbanna, and his work changed from rescue and protection of Asian elephants in one region to protection and management of wild Asian elephants in the whole state.

"It is obvious that the knowledge reserve is not enough. Experts say that elephants can eat hundreds of kinds of food, and I have known dozens of kinds of food before." Xiong Chaoyong said that in the past two years, he has constantly enriched his knowledge and improved his research level through consulting relevant books and papers, consulting experts and scholars, and hopes to contribute more to the protection of biodiversity and promoting harmony between man and nature.

In the mighty tide of the times, countless workers like Xiong Chaoyong, with dreams in their hearts, strength at their feet, and responsibility on their shoulders, have achieved wonderful life through their unremitting efforts.

Yu Xianghong is the director of Wuning Power Supply Office of State Grid Zhejiang Dongyang Power Supply Company and the leader of Red Boat Party Member Service Team. In more than 20 years of front-line work, Yu Xianghong has studied hard, pioneered and innovated, not only trained excellent professional skills, but also solved more than 20 distribution technology and production problems, presided over 53 technology research projects, and obtained 10 national patents.

Yu Xianghong said frankly that after winning the National May Day Labor Medal, he felt more responsible and had higher demands on himself. From the second half of 2023, he led the Red Boat Party Service Team to set up power cloud service points in 23 village convenience service centers within the jurisdiction. "As long as you have a video phone call, you can handle the power business without leaving the village. It is my wish to protect the 'lights' to the greatest extent, and I hope to help more people in need in public welfare undertakings."

Struggle and dedication write the glory of workers.

On the new journey, hundreds of millions of working people will keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, further radiate labor enthusiasm and release creative potential, which will surely gather the great power of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

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