Zhonggong Entertainment

Li Wenge

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-30 11:08

 15. Li Wenge

Vice Chairman of Chaoyang District Taiyanggong District Federation of Trade Unions of Beijing Municipality Li Wenge led the staff of the Taiyanggong District Federation of Trade Unions to serve the local enterprises and the masses of workers, which was unanimously recognized by the local enterprises and workers.

Safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees and building harmonious labor relations

Since Li Wenge took office, he has strengthened democratic management of non-public enterprises, urged enterprises to hold regular workers' congresses, signed 88 collective agreements in 2023, covering 258 enterprises and 8200 employees, and successfully elected one district level demonstration unit of democratic management. Earnestly implement the working mechanism of "handling immediately upon receiving complaints", clarify work responsibilities, refine work processes, strictly observe the time limit for completion of handling, achieve "quick response, good handling and high evaluation", and send 16 orders to 12351 hotline throughout the year, with 100% handling completed. 51 grass-roots enterprises were organized to carry out the "Ankang Cup" competition, one of which was awarded as the winner of the "Ankang Cup" competition in Beijing.

Promote the construction and reform of industrial workers to improve their skill level

Promote the two-way learning mode of "online+offline", carry out targeted menu training, promote the "boost plan", and encourage industrial workers to participate in various vocational skill level examinations spontaneously. We organized two public benefit lectures, one skill contest in the hotel catering industry, and one skill contest in the express industry, with more than 300 participants, to cultivate and build a high-quality workforce with political competence and comprehensive quality.

Serve the staff wholeheartedly and pass on the warmth of the trade union organization

During the two festivals, more than 20 poor workers and model workers in the region were visited. Activities were organized to send cool in summer, warm in winter, May Day greetings to workers, Mid Autumn Festival greetings to National Day, and treatment and recuperation of outstanding employees, covering more than 12500 employees in total. In 2023, mutual insurance such as hospitalization, major diseases, and special diseases of female workers was handled for 1983 person times in the region.

Organize colorful recreational and sports activities to promote the cohesion of staff

Li Wenge constantly innovated ways and means, held 12 staff activities with different themes, such as walking, photography, cloud reading, collection of literary and artistic works, and participated in more than 2000 employees, meeting the diverse and personalized new needs of workers in the region.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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