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Dream, Modernization, and Jointly Draw a New Vision · Song of Laborers | Tian Chao: Be a Good "Gatekeeper" for Big Data Security

Source: Xinhua
2024-04-29 14:54

Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang, April 29 Topic: Tian Chao: Be a good "gatekeeper" for big data security

Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiang Dingjie

A computer, a keyboard, a mouse, in the battlefield of the Internet without gunpowder smoke, start with every suspicious character, look for clues, and fight with hackers. This is the daily work of Tian Chao, the "post-95".

Tian Chao, 29, is a programmer of Guizhou Big Data Industry Development Co., Ltd. on the cloud, which is mainly engaged in digital government services and is responsible for the operation of the "Guizhou Government Cloud" platform. "My job is to ensure the normal operation of the platform and system, ensure the security of the data stored in the system, and prevent the data from being stolen." Tian Chao said that like a doctor, he needs to regularly "check up" more than 2000 systems of the government cloud platform and issue reports. If vulnerabilities are found, they should be treated and repaired in a timely manner.

At more than 3:00 p.m. one night last year, Tian Chao received an emergency call in his sleep. The hacker bypassed the security protection of the system of a user unit and obtained control permissions, resulting in the business paralysis of the unit.

"The network security emergency must be responded at the first time. One step later, the data may leak, and the consequences are unimaginable." Tian Chao recalled that he urgently called the team to the scene, and immediately isolated and protected the system.

This is a race against time. "We must find and fix the vulnerability before the hacker takes further action." After working hard all night, the team finally found a solution to eliminate the risk in the embryonic stage. "This crisis is a great test for us. We not only effectively solved the potential risks, but also improved our ability to work together in actual combat," said Tian Chao.

Tian Chao works on the computer (photographed on April 21). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xu

All day long, he immersed himself in the computer code, which in the eyes of others was boring work, but Tian Chao was full of enthusiasm. In the past four years, he has been more and more impressed. This is not only a job, but also a responsibility and mission. It requires patience, carefulness and innovation.

In the eyes of his colleagues, Tian Chao is a young man who loves to study. In the past, when detecting the system, there were often problems such as loophole troubleshooting, missed scanning and false positives. In order to make the detection more accurate and efficient, Tian Chao spent nearly one month developing special tools, effectively shortening the scanning time and improving the accuracy rate. "With this tool, you just need to select the corresponding vulnerability type to quickly scan, which can improve the accuracy of special vulnerability troubleshooting and reduce the scanning time by 30%," said colleague Zhao Xiaozhi.

"In my impression, Oda is enterprising, hardworking, and willing to take the time to strengthen professional knowledge learning and new technology research," said Wu Jun, head of the company's safety operation technology department.

Tian Chao made safety disposal in the office (photographed on April 21). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xu

Faced with the ever-changing technology iteration, Tian Chao knew that in order to deal with the ever-changing network attack means, he must constantly update his knowledge reserve. After work, he likes to participate in various network security competitions. "Technical exchange with top talents in the industry not only increases my knowledge, but also makes me feel the fun of my work," Tian Chao said with a smile.

At Tian Chao's work station, there are awards for individual and team competitions of the "Guizhou Provincial Technical Expert" and the provincial "Netletter Cup" cyber security skills competition. Speaking of these honors, the young man only felt that his burden was heavier. "I want to further improve the network security assurance capability and emergency response level in ordinary jobs, so as to protect the digital development," he said.

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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