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Dreaming, Modernization and Jointly Drawing a New Vision · Song of Laborers | Jiao Yuefeng: "Innovative Talents" in the Deep Coal Sea

Source: Xinhua
2024-04-29 13:13

"Dream Building, Modernization, Jointly Drawing a New Vision, the Song of Laborers"

Xinhua News Agency, Xi'an, April 29, Title: Jiao Yuefeng: "Innovation Talent" in the Deep Coal Sea

Xinhua News Agency reporter Lei Xiaoxiao

Ordos Basin, the coal sea is deep underground. Jiao Yuefeng, 52, is a fully mechanized coal mine maintenance electrician. His skin has become dark under the wind and the sun.

"I'm too lazy." Jiao Yuefeng often said this sentence, which seems to be supported by the draft drawings on his desk. But his colleagues felt that he would never be idle.

"Busy with learning, busy with innovation, busy with teaching..." In the eyes of colleague Yang Xiaopeng, Jiao Yuefeng is always running against the clock.

On April 24, Jiao Yuefeng inspected the high-voltage switchgear of the underground central substation. Photographed by Wu Hongbo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Jiao Yuefeng's "laziness" is the source of his innovation. "Laziness is to make people work less and more efficiently," said Jiao Yuefeng.

Located in Shenmu City, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, Jiao Yuefeng's Shenmu Ningtiaota Mining Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Coal Group is one of China's high-quality coal resource producing areas. However, the hydrogeological conditions here are complex, and it often requires five or six people to walk more than ten kilometers to reach the site for underground drainage operations.

In 2014, Jiao Yuefeng, who observed this situation, began to invent an automatic drainage device. He turned the packaging boxes of drinks, surplus leftovers of electric wires, water pipes, transparent tapes, etc. into treasures for making models. In order to find the right circuit board, he also tried online shopping for the first time.

Now, this simple model has been displayed in the company's coal industry skill master studio training base, and the main body made of plastic boxes has slightly yellowed. However, the anti burning pump automatic drainage device developed by the company has already been put into operation, which can save the company more than 3 million yuan every year.

"For the drainage work now, only one person is needed in each of the north and south areas for regular inspection," said Jiao Yuefeng.

Innovation and invention come from the observation and thinking of everyday bits and pieces. With the acceleration of the construction of the smart mine, the "Master Jiao" as he was called by his colleagues began to lead us to contribute new "golden ideas".

Laying cables underground is hard work. A cable as thick as a bowl weighs about 30 jin per meter. Jiao Yuefeng wants to liberate his colleagues from the heavy manual labor.

In 2019, he started to develop the cable suspension robot, from conception to drawing, and then continued to optimize with scientific research institutions. After four years of hard work, we finally developed a downhole equipment that can realize automatic cable laying and recovery.

"In the past, it used to take fifteen or six people to lay cables in a single class, which could cover three or four hundred meters. Now, only two people in a class can cover 3000 to 5000 meters." When it came to this, Shi Zhenbing, the head of the mechanical and electrical work area of the company, said excitedly.

Jiao Yuefeng, who tasted the benefits, did not stop. Later, he led his colleagues to develop 15 kinds of robots, including emergency sewage disposal robots and automatic lifting robots... A robot cluster serving intelligent mines has gradually formed.

On April 24, Jiao Yuefeng (first from left) studied the equipment model with his colleagues in the studio. Photographed by Wu Hongbo, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Joined Jiao Yuefeng's skill master studio of Shenmu Ningtiaota Mining Co., Ltd. of Shaanxi Coal Mining Group, "National Technical Expert", "Shaanxi May Day Labor Medal", "Sanqin Craftsman"... Each honor wrote a footnote for Jiao Yuefeng's more than 30 years of deep cultivation in the front line of coal industry. 25 national utility model patents, 477 basic innovation achievements, more than 770 innovation projects... Behind the dazzling transcript is Jiao Yuefeng's achievement of insisting on "helping others".

"I'm too lazy, so I want to teach them quickly so that I can have a rest." Jiao Yuefeng's "lazy" is his humble words for training reserve talents for the coal industry.

Under the guidance of Jiao Yuefeng, many workers of the company won the honorary titles of "National Technical Expert", "Shaanxi Technical Expert", etc. Jiao Yuefeng's skill master studio has also won the honors of "Shaanxi Provincial Staff (Model Worker) Innovation Studio", "Shaanxi Provincial Demonstration Model Worker and Craftsman Talent Innovation Studio", etc.

Recalling the first time he went down the well 32 years ago, Jiao Yuefeng sighed that he had chosen a coolie job.

As time goes by, the old looks change. The concept of green and low-carbon development enables the coal industry to accelerate high-quality development and build energy security barriers.

Now, when taking a trackless rubber tyred car through a wide and bright roadway to the work site, Jiao Yuefeng can't help sighing: "It's also a mental job to 'dig coal'!"

Flip over the scattered paper on Jiao Yuefeng's desk, on which his latest innovative ideas are painted. "Coal will fall when belt conveying coal underground, and it needs to be cleaned manually. I will think about how to automate this part." When it comes to innovation, he was not talkative at all.

"The purpose of innovation is to reduce the number of employees and increase efficiency in the underground, and no one is safe!" Jiao Yuefeng, who is about to retire, still has a flame in his heart, and wants to continue to contribute to the construction of intelligent coal mines.

The sun went down in the west, and there was an endless stream of trucks transporting coal. At the far station, a series of coal trains are ready to leave. Black gold billows from here to the north and south of the river, while in the deep coal sea, the story of innovation continues.

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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