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A group of "young people" with an average age of less than 28 years stuck to the wilderness for 7 years

Dreaming, Modernization and Jointly Drawing a New Vision · Song of Laborers | To Build a Super "Power Bank"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-29 07:17

[Dreaming, Modernization, Jointly Drawing a New Vision, the Song of Laborers]

Original title: A group of "young people" with an average age of less than 28 years have held out for 7 years in the wilderness (introduction)

To build a super "power bank" (theme)

Worker's Daily - reporter Wu Duosi of China Industrial Network

"Completed! Successful grid connection!" After a night of testing and commissioning, at 5:00 a.m. on April 14, the first successful grid connection of Unit 3 of Xinjiang Fukang Pumped Storage Power Station of State Grid Xinyuan under pumping phase modulation condition completed another important node of Fukang Pumped Storage Power Station.

As the first million kilowatt large-scale pumped storage power station in northwest China, Fukang pumped storage power station is listed as the national first-class large-scale project, which can be called the stabilizer and regulator of Xinjiang and even northwest power grid, and the super "charging treasure" supporting the development of new energy. The installation, commissioning and maintenance of this large "power bank" was completed by a group of "young people".

More than 20 young people with an average age of less than 28 years old formed the Equipment Management Department (Electromechanical Department) of Fukang Pumped Storage Co., Ltd. "Although they are young, they are unambiguous in their work," said Ma Xiaoxia, the Party Construction Department of State Grid Xinyuan Xinjiang Fukang Pumped Storage Co., Ltd.

The power station is located in the mountains in the southeast of Fukang City, with an altitude of more than 2200 meters, snow depth of more than 40 centimeters in winter, and ice and snow coverage of up to half a year... In the first year of construction, there is no water, no electricity, and no communication. In such a wilderness, this young team has persevered for seven years. They overcame the difficult conditions of engineering construction in high altitude cold and dry areas, and made every effort to ensure the successful completion of such urgent and dangerous tasks as water storage acceptance, divisional commissioning of the first unit, and power system reverse transmission.

During the initial installation and commissioning, the factory assembly of generator unit components has always been a "hard nut" to crack. After countless sleepless nights, the team found a good way to create efficient zero defect assembly - digital assembly technology. They used this technology for the first time in the industry to carry out the factory assembly and on-site pre assembly acceptance of unit components, and the assembly efficiency was increased by four times.

On December 15, 2022, with the command of the on-site commander in chief, the two bridge cranes started slowly, and the stator of the first unit of Fukang Pumped Storage Power Station was accurately located at the predetermined position, three months ahead of the expected construction period. The time is advanced, but the installation of the generator set has entered the most critical process - stator hoisting. The stator of the unit is nearly 4m high, the maximum outer diameter is 8.43m, and the weight is more than 400t.

In order to ensure the smooth lifting, the team developed a thorough plan, carefully completed the safety and technical disclosure before lifting, and carried out a comprehensive inspection and defect elimination of lifting equipment, lifting appliances and operating environment. During the lifting process, the safety operation procedures were strictly implemented, and the on-site personnel performed their own duties to complete the lifting work with high quality. On December 26, 2023, the stator of the last unit of Fukang Pumped Storage Power Station was successfully hoisted.

According to the plan, Unit 1 will be grid connected for power generation in 2023. However, the construction of the transmission line was delayed for three months. Facing the pressure, the team had one idea: do it! During that period, they stuck to their posts for more than 10 hours a day, which became their normal work. They finally completed 137 debugging defects and completed the task of debugging the whole unit 1 on time. During this period, there was zero tripping of switches and zero damage of equipment. All tests were successful at one time, and the power generation target of the first unit was completed in advance.

Since the commencement in April 2017, Fukang Pumped Storage Power Station has experienced many key engineering construction nodes, such as lower reservoir closure, upper and lower reservoir dam filling, upper and lower reservoir water storage, water filling and drainage of No. 1 water diversion system, and overall turning of the first unit. In order to better control the construction of the project, this young team set up a "Zhengwei Innovation Studio" on the mountain. Guided by scientific and technological innovation, it constantly applied new processes, new materials and new equipment, overcame various difficulties, carried out fine control throughout the process, and created a national excellent project.

The team cooperates closely with scientific research, design and construction units to jointly tackle key problems, and adopts automatic mechanical welding, pipe bender pre bending and other processes to increase the utilization rate of steel plates from 70% to more than 90%; With the application of the manufacturing process of "blade splitter" and 3D printing technology, all four generator sets' runners have "zero residual"; Strive for two consecutive days to complete the reverse power transmission of two main transformers, creating an industry record; Complete the whole unit commissioning task of Unit 1 in 32 days, shorten the construction period by nearly half, and put the first unit into production 9 months ahead of schedule

In January of this year, the unit deexcitation switch replaced the ejector pin. Yu Yihe, who had been working for only three years, found a pair of nodes with problems, but after repeated measurements of the deexcitation switch's own nodes, no fault was found. More seriously, she continued to conduct troubleshooting tests on the problem circuit, and finally a hidden hidden danger was found - a manufacturer's test short wire inside the breaker control cabinet of Unit 1 was not removed, which successfully avoided the risk of electric braking of the unit when the de excitation switch was not opened.

At present, Units 1 and 2 of Fukang Pumped Storage Power Station have been put into operation and will be put into operation in August this year. This young team has successively won the honorary titles of "Advanced Collective of State Grid Xinyuan Company", "Pioneer Worker of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region", etc., one person has won the title of "Young Position Expert of State Grid Xinyuan Group", one person has won the title of "Power Plant Power Craftsman of Xinyuan Group", and has published 20 scientific and technical papers, 10 authorized patents, 2 QC achievements, and 1 Science and Technology Progress Award of State Grid Xinyuan Group.

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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