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Solid "Industry Reform" Practice Answers the Questions of the Times

——The road of reform and practice for the construction of industrial workers in Chaoyang District, Beijing

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-29 13:15

Innovation studios have grown and expanded through careful cultivation and care, setting off a wave of innovation and creation for industrial workers; Chaoyang expert, Chaoyang ingenious person, Chaoyang craftsman, Chaoyang master, "Phoenix Plan", international talents, "Chaojiang high-quality products", "Chaojiang skill chess", and many professional skill competitions show their style in the hard pursuit and struggle, and set up a "growth ladder" for skilled talents; Through the skill contest to obtain the grade certificate and enjoy the points settlement policy, many practical problems have been solved, and more industrial workers have enjoyed the reform dividend... Each piece of vivid practice, each "craftsman card" and "industry reform brand" with Chaoyang characteristics, has witnessed the reform road of Chaoyang industrial workers' team construction that the majority of industrial workers have gone through together.

The construction and reform of the industrial workers' team is a major reform task that General Secretary Xi Jinping personally points out, deploys and guides, and is a major decision deployment of strategic and overall significance for the Party and the country. In April 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Reform Plan for the Construction of Industrial Workers in the New Era, marking the beginning of a major reform closely related to hundreds of millions of industrial workers. In July 2021, Chaoyang District was identified as one of the first batch of comprehensive pilot units (districts) for the construction and reform of Beijing's industrial workforce. Chaoyang District aims to build a "five suitable" Chaoyang that is suitable for living, working, business, learning and tourism. With the overall idea of "improving the international skill level of Chaoyang industrial workers", it has improved the political, economic and social status of industrial workers, created an "upgraded version" of industrial workers in the new era, and cultivated a number of highly skilled talents with the style of the times, The dividend of promoting reform benefits every industry and every industrial worker in the region.

In promoting the construction and reform of industrial workers, Chaoyang District, based on the national policy, grasps the general direction of industrial reform, plans the general pattern of industrial reform in the city's requirements, seeks breakthroughs in industrial reform in self-development, and focuses on reform measures such as ideological guidance, making contributions, improving quality, improving status, and strengthening the team, Explored and formed the "12345" Chaoyang industry reform mode of "adhering to one main line, building two goals, innovating three measures, optimizing four channels, and highlighting five services", the "five one" industry reform achievements display platform of "industry reform expo, forum salon, video documentary, publishing books, and dynamic publicity", and the "six in one" industry reform work system, The "five new linkage" industrial reform mechanism of "system innovation, collaborative innovation, platform innovation, mechanism innovation, and practice innovation" has been innovatively created, and has achieved action, innovation, and achievement year by year. In September 2022, on behalf of Beijing, we will welcome the national assessment of promoting the construction and reform of industrial workers, and we will be awarded the "excellent" grade.


"Party leadership" throughout the work

Ideological guidance and consensus building

Think of "a chess game" and overall layout. The reform of Chaoyang District's industrial worker team construction has not only received top-down attention, but also achieved bottom-up innovation. The CPC Chaoyang District Committee and the District Government incorporated the industrial reform into the general pattern of Party building and the general plate of reform and development, and established a reform coordination group led by the District Federation of Trade Unions, with 26 committees, offices and bureaus as member units. Chaoyang District CPC Committee's Comprehensive Deepening Reform Committee has listened to reports on the work of industrial reform for many times; Secretary of the District Party Committee and relevant district leaders have given affirmation and guidance for many times; The joint meeting of the district government and the trade union deployed the work of industrial reform, and included the progress and results of industrial reform into the report of the plenary session of the district party committee, providing strong support and solid guarantee for promoting the work of industrial reform.

"One picture" of action to build consensus. In 2021, the Opinions on the Implementation of Deepening the Reform of the Construction of Industrial Workers in Chaoyang District was issued. Ten major reform action plans were studied, 40 reform tasks were refined, and an "action map" was drawn to promote industrial reform. In 2023, take the lead in introducing district level evaluation mechanism for industrial reform in all districts of the city, extend the evaluation work of industrial reform to all streets and townships, functional areas and industries, promote the reform to be more practical and more detailed, form a vivid situation of learning from others, helping others and surpassing others, and obtain the "Chaoyang Industrial Reform has led the city's industrial reform work, set a good example and set a benchmark" from the municipal industrial reform coordination group Is highly appreciated.

Cooperate with "integration" and implement together. At present, Chaoyang District has 1.32 million trade union members, accounting for 25.8% of the city, ranking first in all districts of the city. The Chaoyang District Federation of Trade Unions has given full play to the leading role of the Federation, and the relevant committees, offices, townships, functional areas, industries and industries have closely cooperated to form a huge joint force to promote the industrial reform in an all-round way across the whole district, and to work together to enhance the effectiveness of industrial workers' achievements. For example, the District Federation of Trade Unions, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the Bureau of Commerce jointly held a professional skill contest for baristas to promote coffee culture and polish the sunrise card of "Coffee City".


Take "serving the overall situation" as the primary principle

Make contributions to promote development

Effective measures have been taken to cultivate and strengthen the team of high-level talents and highly skilled talents. Chaoyang District is a major economic and population area in the city, with nearly 400000 market players and 2.24 million employees. The industrial organization model and service model are rich and diversified, and the level of internationalization and marketization is high. Chaoyang District firmly grasped the characteristics of this region, and through the implementation of the "Phoenix Plan", building a one-stop service platform for international talents and other measures, it has cultivated a group of high-level talents with international vision and familiar with international rules. The sunrise with diversified industries and high-level opening cannot be separated from a team of highly skilled talents with a large scale that matches the industrial development system. Chaoyang District ranks "vigorously promoting the construction of modern industrial system and accelerating the development of new quality productivity" as the top ten tasks. In recent years, through improving the whole chain training system of "selection, education, evaluation, and use" of highly skilled talents, it has created a distinctive brand of "Chaojiang Quality" and "Chaojiang Skill". By March 2024, Chaoyang District has a total of 241300 skilled talents, including 89600 highly skilled talents, accounting for 37% of the total skilled talents, providing basic and strategic support for the development of new quality productivity.

A series of vocational skill competitions set up a "growth ladder" for skilled talents. We will build a distinctive brand of "Chaoyang ingenuity", continue to carry out a series of brand selection plans of "Chaoyang expert, Chaoyang craftsman, Chaoyang master", create an industry spokesperson, and form a "craftsman card" and "industry reform brand" with Chaoyang characteristics. A total of 887 labor and skill competitions, on-the-job training and technical contests were held extensively. In 2023, nearly 2000 skilled leading talents will be included in the talent database of "Rising ingenuity". The pilot project was carried out in Beijing Lianjia and other enterprises, and a skill contest was held to obtain a grade certificate, so as to help employees settle down for points, and realize the double promotion and promotion of enterprise development and employee growth.

One innovation studio after another set off a wave of innovation and creation of industrial workers. Take the construction of "Chaoyang Top 100 Innovation Studios" as the starting point to promote industrial reform, establish "Innovation Studio Alliance" and "Chaoyang Model Worker Alliance", adhere to the concept of "making creativity change into projects, making projects become fruits, and making achievements become benefits", carry out cross category, cross industry, and cross unit innovation alliance matrix action, and focus on intellectual innovation, skill inheritance In terms of talent cultivation, we will play a leading role in building a talent growth gas station, an enterprise development think tank, a craftsman master incubator, an innovative project team, and an innovative source of talent cultivation. As of March 2024, 103 innovative projects such as independent innovation achievements and invention patents in the capital have been declared, 52 innovation studios have been rated as municipal and district innovation studios, which has boosted the professional development of 1243 industrial workers and stepped out of the "acceleration" of innovation and creation in Chaoyang.

Cultivate the feelings of "staff first" in the heart

Activating power of quality improvement

Problem oriented, to solve the problem of industrial workers' "anxiety". Do you have a sense of career crisis? What do you think is the most important ability of skilled talents In 2022, Chaoyang District will organize the activity of "big research, big visit and big essay collection" on industrial reform, focus on the core issues such as "quality and skill improvement of industrial workers, growth space, income and salary growth, political and social status", and conduct a thorough investigation. More than 100 enterprises will participate in the investigation, and nearly 40000 employees will participate in the questionnaire survey, forming the "Data" Chaoyang Industrial Reform Investigation Report, It provided first-hand information for industrial workers to solve the problem of "being anxious and anxious", and the national industrial reform assessment team gave a high evaluation of "providing grass-roots practice for the national industrial reform work". In 2023, a survey of innovation studios will be carried out, involving 15130 enterprises, calling on industrial workers to be "makers" and "makers" in the industry.

Demand orientation to improve the skill quality of industrial workers. Grasp the five key links of "vocational training, skill competition, platform expansion, grade promotion, and participation in politics", establish a career coordinate system serving the whole career cycle, and build a career ladder for industrial workers. With career development as the ordinate and career extension, namely, the whole career cycle as the abscissa, through the five key nodes of "exploration period: vocational training; growth period: skill competition; maturity period: platform expansion; development period: grade promotion; leading period: participation in politics and politics", improve their skills to gain a sense of professional honor and provide an effective way for career advancement. In the past three years, Chaoyang District has trained 787600 industrial workers by implementing the "Six Voyages" action. Encourage new employment groups to attend the National Open University free of charge, and issue the Interim Measures of Chaoyang District on Subsidy for New Business Types and New Employment Groups to Promote Academic Degrees. The District Federation of Trade Unions will fund tuition fees to help new employment groups plan new career paths. The "modern new apprenticeship system" teaches by example, grows together and improves skills, benefiting more than one million employees.

Goal oriented, improve the position of industrial workers as masters. In 2023, in the recommendation of the National May Day Labor Medal and the Capital Labor Medal, professional and technical personnel, science and education personnel will account for 86% of the total number of people recommended in Chaoyang District. At the same time, industrial workers, "Phoenix Plan" talents and high-end business talents are recommended to serve as the "two representatives and one committee member", greatly expanding the channels for participation in politics. We have successfully promoted Meituan to establish a negotiation and coordination mechanism for riders, and become the first platform enterprise in Beijing to safeguard the rights of workers in new industries. Promote industrial workers' representatives to participate in corporate governance, and keep the dynamic organizational rate of open factory affairs of the regional workers' congress at more than 98%, so that industrial workers have a position, a future, and a sense of gain.


Focus on "pilot first"

Dare to be the first to show real moves

The 580000 word "trilogy of industrial reform" series of books highlights the achievements of industrial reform in the construction and reform of Chaoyang industrial workers. In 2022, Chaoyang District will compile and release the book "Rising Craftsmanship -- A Comprehensive Pilot Practice Tour of Industrial Workers' Team Construction and Reform in Chaoyang District, Beijing" with the theme of "Rising Craftsmanship in the Struggle Era", and in 2023, with the theme of "Innovating Chaoyang Industry and Reform with Me", it will compile and release the book "Creating Chaoyang -- A Tour of Basic Practice of Industrial Workers' Team Construction and Reform in Chaoyang District, Beijing" Books. In 2024, with the theme of "quality first, five necessities, and sunrise", we will compile "quality sunrise" and form a series of achievements of "trilogy of industrial reform" with "ingenuity sunrise" and "innovation sunrise". The three books vividly record the innovation highlights and vivid practices of all walks of life in the reform of Chaoyang, and condense the labor achievements and wisdom crystallization of industrial workers in the region.

The special research results of 60 issues have consolidated the solid theoretical foundation for the construction and reform of Chaoyang industrial workers. Five research papers were submitted to the All China Federation of Trade Unions and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and won the first, second and third prizes of the theoretical essay solicitation for the fifth anniversary of Beijing's industrial reform. Among them, articles such as "Chaoyang District has taken multiple measures to improve the internationalization level of industrial workers' skills", "Chaoyang District has built an industrial workers' skills formation system based on the craftsman spirit", "Chaoyang District has built a trade union fraternity for key enterprises, and explored the reform mechanism innovation of industrial workers' team construction" have been published in various mainstream academic journals such as "Trade Union Expo".

Industry reform expositions have set up industry reform brands that show the vivid practice of the construction and reform of Chaoyang industrial workers. Since 2022, through the multi-dimensional way of "offline+online+cloud", Chaoyang Industrial Reform Expo and reform pioneer forum salon series activities have been held for two consecutive years to show the vivid story of innovation and creation in all walks of life since Chaoyang District promoted industrial reform. The Federation of Trade Unions of all districts in the city attended the site and saw more than 3 million online views. When the "tide" started, the virtual reality (VR) exhibition on the cloud released the cartoon image of "Chaoyang Strugglers Alliance" based on front-line workers and model craftsmen. They turned into WeChat expression packs, dynamic slogans, web browsers, etc. With the promotion of Chaoyang's industrial reform, they went into many industrial fields and called on industrial workers to "strive to be industrial reform people". More than 20 central and city level media have successively reported that they have established an image, established a model, expanded their influence and retained achievements, which has greatly increased the attention and participation of all sectors of society in the industrial reform, and has led more young strivers to join the reform force.

One by one, typical examples have witnessed the remarkable effectiveness of the reform of Chaoyang industrial workers' team construction. Strict expert review and investment in boosting funds, each innovation studio has grown and grown in careful cultivation and care, setting off a wave of innovation and creation of industrial workers; Chaoyang expert, Chaoyang ingenious person, Chaoyang craftsman, Chaoyang master, "Phoenix Plan", international talents, "Chaojiang high-quality products", "Chaojiang skill chess", and many professional skill competitions show their style in the hard pursuit and struggle, and set up a "growth ladder" for skilled talents; Obtaining skill certificates, assisting in the settlement of points, investing in technical achievements, and post bonus incentives, obtaining grade certificates through skill contests, and enjoying the points settlement policy, the practical problems were solved one by one, and more industrial workers enjoyed the reform dividend; Education background cultivation, skill competition, establishment of studios, smooth channels for political participation, step by step career growth ladder, and the career coordinate system serving the whole career cycle of industrial workers have unblocked effective ways for career promotion; Artificial intelligence, life science, future industry, and metauniverse, excellent projects have made amazing appearances in the global entrepreneurship competition of Chaoyang International Talent Entrepreneurship Conference (ITEC), cultivating fertile ground for one party to improve its independent innovation ability; Each warm harbor has built a socialized, diversified and specialized service system, which has stimulated the centripetal force and cohesion of industrial workers... Each piece of vivid practice, each "craftsman's card" and "industry reform brand" with Chaoyang characteristics, has witnessed the Chaoyang industry reform road that industrial workers have gone through together, To provide a model of Chaoyang production reform for the Chaoyang practice of striving to promote Chinese modernization.

In the call of the times for the construction and reform of industrial workers, Chaoyang will continue to explore, update and reshape the image of industrial workers in the new era, lead the trend of the times with the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsmanship, do a good job in the construction and reform of industrial workers, step out of the "acceleration" of Chaoyang's innovation and creation, and answer the questions of the times with a solid practice of industrial reform.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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