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More than 1000 labor union stations in Daxing District of Beijing completed self inspection and mutual inspection

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-22 10:22

Recently, a reporter from the Beijing Daxing District Federation of Trade Unions learned that in order to further standardize the management and operation of the trade union's post station and better serve the vast number of outdoor workers and workers, the Daxing District Federation of Trade Unions, in accordance with the working principle of "comprehensive coverage, graded responsibility, inspection and reform, and establishment and reform", carried out the post station self inspection, territorial mutual inspection, and special inspection in stages. Up to now, more than 1000 trade union stations in the region have completed self inspection and mutual inspection.

The relevant person in charge of Daxing District Federation of Trade Unions introduced that in the inspection work, the District Federation of Trade Unions earnestly fulfilled the main responsibility, earnestly implemented the Implementation Plan of Beijing Federation of Trade Unions on Further Standardizing the Work of Trade Unions' Posts, strengthened the supervision of the inspection action of trade unions' Posts, followed the principle of "problem oriented, synchronous rectification", formulated the inspection plan at the same level, and clarified the responsibilities at all levels Rectification time limit, take multiple measures to promote the implementation of rectification. Each territory shall check and "look back" one by one against the list, strictly implement the list system+responsibility system, and ensure that the rectification of inspection problems is fully covered.

The relevant person in charge of Daxing District Federation of Trade Unions said that, in the next step, the Federation of Trade Unions would establish a long-term inspection mechanism of "checking and changing as soon as possible", continue to strengthen the supervision and guidance of the trade union post station, promote the development of post station construction to a higher level, provide more high-quality and convenient services for workers and outdoor workers, and effectively make the trade union post station "turn around and live", Send the care of "mother and family" to the employees' hearts.

(Sun Yan, reporter of Labor Noon News)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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