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Learning and Education of Party Discipline

——All local trade unions organize high standard and high quality party discipline learning and education

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-22 07:23

[Party discipline learning and education]

Original title: Safeguarding the Party's labor movement cause and trade union work with strict discipline (theme)

——All local trade unions organize high standard and high quality party discipline learning and education (subtitle)

Worker's Daily - reporter of China Industrial Network

Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Notice on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education throughout the Party, pointing out that in order to further study and implement the revised Regulations on Discipline of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), with the consent of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Party discipline learning and education will be carried out throughout the Party from April to July 2024. In recent days, local trade unions have held a mobilization and deployment meeting for party discipline learning and education, launched the party discipline learning and education, required in-depth study and implementation of the important speech and important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party discipline learning and education, implemented the central government's plan for party discipline learning and education, organized and carried out party discipline learning and education with high standards and quality, and promoted the implementation of various tasks, With strict discipline, the Party's labor movement cause and trade union work will be carried out steadily and developed with high quality.

On April 11, the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions set up a special working class to study and formulate the implementation plan for the party discipline learning and education of the Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, which mainly includes 17 specific tasks in four aspects, and defines the leading department, responsible department and completion time limit for each task. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Leadership Group of Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, the special shift office for Party discipline learning and education of Heilongjiang Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a meeting in a timely manner to clarify the work tasks, compact the responsibilities of all parties, establish a work account, and issue work tips, requiring all branches to grasp the key points of learning, correct ideas and actions with Party discipline, and truly make the process of learning Party discipline become a process of enhancing discipline awareness The process of improving Party spirit cultivation. Heilongjiang Provincial Federation will also provide targeted interpretation training, and include the Regulations in the 2024 cadre training plan of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions as the main course of the cadre college of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. We will focus on discipline training for newly promoted cadres, young cadres, cadres in key positions and other key targets.

"We should adhere to the leadership leadership, give play to the role of the 'key minority', adhere to the principle of learning first and deeply, and demonstrate and promote Party members and cadres to learn, know, understand and abide by discipline." On April 12, the Fujian Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held an enlarged meeting of the Party Leadership Group to study and deploy the work of Party discipline learning and education in the organs. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to grasp the key points of learning and earnestly study the Regulations in depth and thoroughly. We should pay special attention to the learning and education of the Party branch, organize and carry out various learning activities, and promote Party members and cadres to learn from the original, with problems, and with practice. We should persist in promoting learning through cases, carry out warning education, educate people around us with things around us, and let party members and cadres be alerted, know the bottom line, and be in awe. We should do a good job in helping students with training, and do a good job in training the Regulations. The meeting called for strengthening organizational leadership, resolutely shouldering political responsibility, conducting pressure at all levels, strengthening overall planning and coordination, opposing formalism, and ensuring that the study and education of party discipline go deep and solid with a good style of work. We should adhere to the principle of "two hands and two promotions", closely combine the learning and education of party discipline with the promotion of high-quality development of trade union work, and translate the learning achievements into the actual achievements of high-quality development of trade union work.

On April 14, the Party Leadership Group of Shandong Federation of Trade Unions held a meeting and proposed to carry out party discipline learning and education as an important political task this year. The meeting stressed the need to strengthen organizational leadership. The study and education of Party discipline of Shandong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions were carried out under the leadership of the Party Leadership Group of Shandong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and the leading group of party building work of the organs organized and implemented the work as a whole. The secretary of the Party Leadership Group performs the responsibility of the first responsible person, the team members implement "one post, two responsibilities", and the secretaries of grass-roots Party organizations are responsible for the learning and education of Party discipline in their own departments (units). It is necessary to carry out theoretical armed throughout the whole process of learning and education, strengthen publicity and guidance, firmly avoid formalism, adhere to two hands and two promotions, and ensure that the party discipline learning and education of the provincial federation of trade unions are carried out in a solid and orderly manner. In addition, Shandong Province summarized the learning and education of Party discipline and launched the seventh "Month of Party Conduct and Clean Government Construction" on April 16.

On April 15, the Party Leadership Group of Gansu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a meeting and reviewed the Implementation Plan of the Party Leadership Group of Gansu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education. The plan proposes to promote the learning and education of Party discipline with high standards and quality. Accurately grasp the objectives, requirements and priorities of Party discipline learning and education, and combine the implementation of Party discipline learning and education with the implementation of the major decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee, with the in-depth implementation of actions to strengthen science and technology, industry, provincial capital and county areas, with the promotion of "five major projects" and "seven major actions", and with the annual key work of trade unions, It is closely combined with the continuous rectification of formalism to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level, and effectively transforms the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education into a strong joint force to promote the high-quality development of trade union work. From late April, Gansu Federation of Trade Unions will focus on learning and discussion. The Gansu Federation of Trade Unions will rely on the "Workers' Lecture Hall" to organize warning education, so that party members and cadres can be alerted, know the bottom line, and be in awe. Hold special democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings, seek truth from facts, find out their own shortcomings, conduct in-depth self analysis, seriously carry out criticism and self-criticism, and earnestly implement rectification.

"Through concentrated learning, we have deepened our comprehensive understanding of the 'six disciplines' of the Party, and deeply realized that the Party's discipline is a' high voltage line 'that cannot be touched." From April 16 to 18, the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions party discipline learning and education reading class was held in Chengdu. The reading class adopts individual self-study, branch concentration, expert lectures The members of the theoretical learning center of the party group of the provincial federation of trade unions learn the Regulations in the original form, chapter by chapter and article by article. The Sichuan Trade Union closely combines the implementation of the Party discipline learning and education with the implementation of the CPC Central Committee's major policies and the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee, the implementation of the goals and tasks of the 18th National Congress of the China Trade Union and the 15th National Congress of the Sichuan Trade Union, the implementation of the 2024 "559" work deployment of the National Federation of Trade Unions and the 21 key tasks of the Provincial Federation this year, Deeply implement the style requirements of "loyalty, cleanliness, responsibility, learning, innovation and dedication", constantly improve the leadership, organization and service of trade union organizations, and promote the high-quality development of Sichuan labor movement cause with the actual effect of party discipline learning and education.

On April 17, the Anhui Federation of Trade Unions made a special study on the specific work plan of the provincial federation of trade unions on party discipline learning and education, and deployed to carry out the party discipline learning and education work of the provincial federation of trade unions. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to closely combine the implementation of party discipline learning and education with the implementation of the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union and the 15th National Congress of the Anhui Provincial Trade Union, the implementation of the "559" work deployment of the All China Federation of Trade Unions and the "42101" key work deployment of the Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, truly translate the effectiveness of party discipline learning and education into actual work effectiveness, and provide a strong guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of labor movement and trade union work. Strengthen publicity and guidance, make full use of various media platforms of the trade union system to promote positions, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere for learning and education of party discipline. Strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure the effectiveness of Party discipline learning and education.

In order to promote the solid development of party discipline learning and education and achieve actual results, the Jiangsu Federation of Trade Unions has set up a special class for party discipline learning and education to undertake policy guidance, situation synthesis, organization services and supervision and implementation. On April 19, the Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a party group meeting to review and approve the Implementation Plan of Jiangsu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education. The scheme requires in-depth thematic learning. On the basis of personal self-study, a thematic reading class will be held in late April, early June and early July respectively around the theme of "learning discipline, knowing discipline, clarifying discipline and abiding by discipline", and thematic counseling reports will be organized in due time to carry out thematic exchanges and discussions and give a good lecture on Party discipline. Deeply carry out warning education and hold warning education meetings. Deeply carry out discipline training, do a good job of special training for the backbone of party building (discipline inspection) work, do a good job of party discipline training for young cadres, newly promoted cadres, and cadres in key positions, and create a special micro class.

The Beijing Federation of Trade Unions held an enlarged meeting of the Party Leadership Group to quickly integrate ideas and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee. The meeting required that we should grasp the target requirements and carry out the party discipline learning and education with high standards and quality. We should focus on the key points of study, take the study of the Regulations as the main line, learn from the original, chapter by chapter, and practice, and guide Party members and cadres to learn, know, understand, and observe disciplines; We should strengthen warning education, and let Party members and cadres be alerted, know the bottom line, and be in awe of each other; We should pay attention to the inspection and rectification, closely combine with the reality, carefully analyze the problems, and earnestly carry out the rectification. The Beijing Federation of Trade Unions will closely combine the learning and education of Party discipline with the implementation of the major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the promotion of high-quality development in the capital, and the promotion of the key work of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, especially the preparations for the 15th Congress of the Beijing Municipal Trade Unions, to achieve "two hands and two promotions".

(Interviewer: Zhang Shiguang, Li Runzhao, Tian Guolei, Kang Jin, Li Na, Chen Hua, Huang Hongtao, Lai Zhikai)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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