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The training meeting for cadres of Henan Federation of Trade Unions to work at the grass-roots level was held

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-19 16:09

On April 17, 2024, the training meeting for cadres of the general office of Henan Province to go to the grass-roots level to work in squatting was held to consolidate and expand the achievements of work in squatting, promote the normalization, long-term effectiveness and institutionalization of work in squatting, train and train trade union cadres, and effectively improve the ability and level of serving the masses of workers.

The meeting pointed out that the team should strengthen the ideological and political guidance during the stay, and publicize the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union and the 16th National Congress of the Henan Trade Union. Organize and make contributions, carry out theme labor and skill competitions with industrial characteristics, and rich and colorful mass innovation and creation activities. Promote the membership of CCCC, focus on the construction of headquarters, branches and partners, and promote the full coverage of provincial companies in large platform enterprises; Promote the full coverage of large industrial parks and key non-public enterprises; Coordinate resources to solve problems such as lack of funds, positions and personnel of small and third level trade unions. Strengthen rights protection services, establish a consultation and coordination mechanism for workers' rights and interests, and promote the construction of democratic management systems such as workers' congress, factory affairs openness, and informal talks; Promote and implement the system of "one letter and two letters", and strengthen the legal supervision work related to work; Strengthen and standardize the construction of "meeting, station, home" integration and other positions. Maintain harmony and stability, and establish a mechanism for employees to express their opinions and demands, a mechanism for information communication and exchange, and a mechanism for troubleshooting hidden dangers in the labor field.

At the meeting, representatives of cadres who have worked in the field in previous years were invited to share their experiences and practices in doing practical things and solving problems for grass-roots workers in combination with the actual work in the field. The comrades from the relevant departments of the Provincial General Assembly have given targeted lectures and trainings to the first batch of working group personnel around the department's business.

The Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions attached great importance to the work of government officials at the grass-roots level, made special arrangements for the work of government officials at the grass-roots level, printed and distributed the work plan for the work, and set up a contact and guidance group for the work of government officials at the grass-roots level. All relevant departments coordinated the work related to the work of organization and leadership, whole process management, work influence, long-term contact points and service guarantee, Ensure the effectiveness of squatting work. In 2024, the provincial general office will go to Puyang, Xuchang, Zhoukou and other grass-roots trade unions to carry out work in 2 batches and 6 working groups.

(Wang Jing, Henan Workers Daily)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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