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Leaders of Panzhihua Federation of Trade Unions "sink" and send cadres to the grass-roots level

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-04-18 21:02

According to the WeChat public account of Panzhihua Federation of Trade Unions, on April 18, Huang Wuming, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of Panzhihua Federation of Trade Unions, Sichuan Province, led a team to "sink" the grass-roots level and send the cadres to the Geliping Characteristic Industrial Park Trade Union Federation in the West District to carry out cadre work. Jointly participate in the grass-roots forum of the stationed units, collect, grasp and sort out the problems and opinions existing in the work of the trade union.

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Huang Wuming, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and his delegation put forward requirements for the work of the squatting units and the work of the trade union in the park on the basis of listening to the opinions and suggestions of the squatting units, conducting field research on the production and operation of enterprises and the workforce in the Geliping Characteristic Industrial Park in the west area, and understanding the work of the trade union in the park enterprises and the construction of positions:

First, the cadres who work in the field should be able to "find out problems". After being in place, the stationed cadres should quickly go deep into the staff and workers, have face-to-face discussions and heart to heart talks, sort out the urgent needs, anxieties and hot issues of enterprises and staff and workers in the park, sort out the list of problems, and list tasks and measures.

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The second is that the stationed cadres should be able to "grasp the key". The stationed cadres should closely contact the trade union of the park, guide and help the trade union of the park to straighten out the relationship between the trade union of the park and the trade union of the park enterprises, work together to achieve the goal of building as much as possible and entering as much as possible, strive to achieve the rate of building the trade union more than 90%, and the rate of member registration and certification more than 80%, so as to lay a solid foundation and key for the work of the trade union of building the trade union membership.

The third is that the cadres on the spot should be able to "solve problems". According to the actual situation of the park, the stationed cadres should help and guide the qualified trade unions to build a good activity position to serve the workers, enhance the sense of belonging and happiness of the workers, work with the park's trade union cadres to improve the working systems of workers' congress, collective negotiation, and assistance in difficulties, and jointly solve the problems of the existing systems of the stationed units Inadequate means of service and the labor union's ability required by employees.

Fourth, the cadres who work in the field should be able to "serve the staff". The stationed cadres should not wait to rely on each other and do it by themselves. They should organize the stationed units to carry out good services such as policy propaganda, consultation on rights protection, assistance for employees in difficulty, and psychological health consultation, so that the warmth of the trade union can be effectively conveyed to every employee in the park.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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