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Jingzhou Federation of Trade Unions: Build a small post station to warm a city

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-16 07:23

Former title: Jingzhou Municipal Federation and several units jointly built a labor union post station to further sink and move forward the service of "mother family" - (quotation)

Build a small post station to warm a city (theme)

Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network reporter Zhang Chong Correspondent Tian Xiaojun

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Jingzhou Federation of Trade Unions, in accordance with the work idea of trade union leadership, social participation, joint construction and sharing, pragmatic and efficient, has integrated resources and built 349 trade union post stations to provide warm services for outdoor workers from zero distance, face to face, and heart to heart, so that they can walk on the road, warm in the heart, and create a warm "landscape" in the city.

"I can rest for half an hour when I go to the toilet, recharge my mobile phone, solve my lunch, and the labor union post station is the best energy supply station for me." Recently, Wang Qiang (not his real name), who delivered food in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, said with deep feeling.

Wang Qiang's biggest headache at ordinary times is the charging problem of his mobile phone. On the way to deliver a meal, his mobile phone was about to lose contact with customers due to low power, facing the risk of complaints and fines. When he was anxious, he happened to pass the labor union post station of Sinopec Jiangjin West Road Gas Station, and the staff took out a power bank to lend him, which solved his urgent need.

Since then, Wang Qiang has spread the service of the labor union's post station word of mouth in the circle, so that more takeaway boys can enjoy the warm care of the labor union.

Since 2017, the Jingzhou Federation of Trade Unions has built a joint trade union station with several units in the city in accordance with the work idea of trade union leadership, social participation, joint construction and sharing, and pragmatic and efficient work, further sinking and moving forward the services of trade union organizations, and providing warm services for workers outside the home from zero distance, face-to-face, and caring. Up to now, Jingzhou City has invested more than 4.5 million yuan to build 349 trade union stations.

The post station is equipped with tables and chairs, air conditioners, refrigerators, microwave ovens, drinking fountains and other facilities to provide a number of free services for outdoor workers such as sanitation workers, taxi drivers, couriers, traffic police and patrolmen, which reflects the temperature of a city everywhere.

"I used to find a place to eat when I arrived at the food point, but when I was tired, I had to sit on the steps and under the trees to make do with it; now there are tables and stools for rest in the trade union post station, as well as microwave ovens for hot meals, so I don't have to rush home." Sister Liu, an environmental sanitation worker in charge of the cleaning work of Jiangjin West Road, said, "Especially in summer, when the staff saw me, they sent watermelons quickly, they were very warm."

While trying to meet the actual needs of outdoor workers, Jingzhou City has been constantly creating characteristic services to improve service levels. For example, the labor union post station in Chenjiahu Park, in combination with its high traffic at night, irregularly carries out voluntary haircuts, charity sales and other activities; The Shibanpo Community Trade Union Post Station of Songzi Federation of Trade Unions promotes public welfare and benefit services such as reading exchange, volunteer service, and point exchange, and takes law popularization education, anti fraud knowledge popularization, etc. as the site's characteristic services; The trade union post station of Jingzhou Workers' Cultural Palace and the trade union post station of Huangjiatang Riders' Home of Shashi District Federation of Trade Unions are equipped with face recognition function access control to allow peripheral riders to "brush their faces" freely in and out in a sharing mode and provide all-weather "no closing" services.

A small post station gathers great warmth. The various warm heart activities carried out by the labor union post station let outdoor workers walk on the road and warm in their hearts. The labor service station of the new employment form in Lixin Street, Shashi District held the activity of "Thank you, protect your stomach", prepared small gifts such as cakes, cold drinks, power packs, earphones, and sent holiday care to the riders; The trade union post station of Yingbin Community, Dongcheng Street, Jingzhou District carried out the theme activity of "Feeling for Sanitation Workers to Send Cool in Summer" to send sunstroke prevention medicine and other materials to sanitation workers.

Serve a group of people and warm a city. The labor union post stations everywhere provide outdoor workers and citizens with a place to rest at any time, as well as a warm "scenery" in the city.

In order to play the role of the service front, under the promotion of Jingzhou Municipal Federation, the city has incorporated the construction of the trade union service front into the city's action plan to promote the life service industry to improve the level of people's life quality, and the city's sub task solution plan to create a national public employment service demonstration city, and linked with the municipal party committee organization department, the contact agency, urban management, postal service Civil affairs and other relevant functions and competent departments should integrate and jointly build a comprehensive position of "labor union post station+red post station+odd job post station+urban post station+community service center", so as to achieve full coverage of post stations jointly built by central urban areas and communities, and 50% of the total number of counties and cities; It is integrated and co built with red post station, odd job post station, urban management law enforcement sentry box, etc. If it meets the conditions, it will be co built.

In addition, Jingzhou City, relying on the community (village) party mass service center, integrated resources to build 31 trade union stations, and realized resource sharing, convenient discussion, and integrated multi-purpose. Carry out the joint construction of party building and engineering construction, and jointly build two demonstration comprehensive positions integrating party members' learning and education, member activities, leisure and entertainment at the iron tower and Shunfeng site.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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