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Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions: "Quenching" at the grassroots level

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-04-15 07:35

Original title: Sichuan Provincial Federation improved the "training chain", became a good "support group", and encouraged trade union cadres to go to the grass-roots level to serve workers and increase their skills - (quotation)

"Quenching" (theme)

Worker's Daily - China Industrial Network reporter Li Na Correspondent Pan Wenyuan

Perfect the three-dimensional management, promote the work list, performance account, regular reporting and other systems of the stationed cadres... On April 7, the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions held a promotion meeting for the stationed work of the provincial trade union cadres at the grass-roots level, proposed to promote the formation of an atmosphere of comparison and learning, and encourage more trade union cadres to go to the front line to "quench" experience.

Since 2021, Sichuan trade union cadres have been working at the grass-roots level for three years. After the formation of a normalized mechanism in 2022, no less than 1000 trade union cadres will be sent to the trade unions in towns (streets), development zones (industrial parks) and regional and industrial trade unions below the county level from April to September every year. 2776 cadres have been sent to 1542 grass-roots trade union organizations to work, not only in the ideological and political guidance The construction of grass-roots trade union organizations and other aspects have delivered warm "answers", which has also led a large number of trade union cadres to achieve progress and growth.

From "I want to do well" to "I want to do well"

"Eating, living and working together gave me the most real experience and feeling about the working and living conditions of employees, and the implementation of squatting work has changed from" I want to do well "to" I want to do well "." At the promotion meeting, Ma Changgong, an advanced individual who went to the grassroots to squat in the cadre department of Sichuan Provincial Labor Union in 2023 and vice chairman of Sichuan Mechanical, Electrical, Metallurgical and Coal Trade Union, made a speech, It has aroused the resonance of many cadres.

Achieve two hundred percent of the union building rate and membership rate in the park; Establish safety first aid and staff care positions covering the whole park; Two times invited great craftsmen to the park to carry out spiritual preaching and technical exchanges... During the three-month stay work, Ma Changgong and the stay team achieved one after another "small goals" of grounded work, and also won the support and recognition of enterprises and employees.

In order to better rely on the work of squatting to strengthen team building, promote the "quenching" experience of squatting cadres in the process of learning and catching up, and improve their ability to perform their duties, the Sichuan Provincial General Manager has adhered to the work requirements of "practicing the mission by squatting, solving problems by squatting, strengthening practical work by squatting, promoting innovation by squatting, and educating cadres by squatting", and improved the evaluation system of squatting work effectiveness, Establish the concept of "gold cup and silver cup are not as good as the reputation of the staff and workers", let the grassroots trade unions and the staff and workers become examiners, and test the performance of the cadres who are stationed in the field. At the same time, we will gradually form a three-dimensional management mechanism, promote the improvement and implementation of the management system for the work of the cadres on the spot, and promote the systems such as the work list of the cadres on the spot, the performance account, and the regular report on their work.

Strengthen evaluation and incentive, and provide policy support

"It is necessary to further guide trade union cadres to go out of the government compound to the places where workers need most, promote the work of the trade union to achieve greater effectiveness and achieve two-way travel." The relevant person in charge of the Sichuan Provincial Federation introduced that the Sichuan Provincial Federation launched measures in improving the "training chain" and being a good "backup group" to encourage more trade union cadres to go to the front line, serve the grassroots and increase their skills.

On the one hand, the Sichuan Provincial Federation promoted the work of squatting into the "training chain" of trade union reserve cadres, strengthened the evaluation and incentive, praised the outstanding squatting cadres, and linked the evaluation results of squatting cadres with the promotion and use of cadres; On the other hand, the Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions proposed to be the "backup group" of cadres in the field. The provincial, municipal and county federation of trade unions generally set up special funds for the field work. Over the past three years, the accumulated special funds of more than 61 million yuan have been allocated, which have been included in the annual trade union budget, and the party committee, government and enterprise (industry) funds of more than 26 million yuan have been sought in many ways, Take the initiative to provide policy support and resource support for the stationed cadres.

In 2023, the Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions will send 262 trade union cadres at the city and county levels to 144 grass-roots units in two batches to work in the field. Through multi-level training and retraining, the ability of working in the field will be improved, and 7.35 million yuan of special funds will be invested in the field work to ensure that the field work has direction, scale and effectiveness; Mianyang Federation of Trade Unions has set up a "mobile desk" to collect the needs of enterprises and employees, sort out experience, improve and implement the systems of leadership contact, responsibility list of team members, monthly coordination meeting, etc., and open up the channels of support, service, supervision, implementation and feedback, so as to form a comprehensive leadership of Mianyang Federation, a guidance group to fully promote, and a whole process supervision of business departments The working mechanism of the team.

Resources are further inclined to weak areas

In the past three years, Sichuan Trade Union closely followed the development strategy of "four modernizations synchronized, urban and rural integration, and five districts prospering together" of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, strived to implement the "four grassroots working methods", visited more than 27000 enterprises and 382000 employees, and promoted the implementation of the development blueprint at the grassroots level.

The results of the on-the-spot work have played an exemplary and leading role, and some enterprise trade unions have also actively participated in it. The trade union of China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. coordinated the key points of production and operation, carried out the work of labor union cadres in a regular manner, strengthened the allocation of cadres, expanded the scope of projects, issued a list of key livelihood projects, and promoted the solution of the urgent problems of workers in the construction of service positions, rest and vacation, long-distance marriage and love, etc.

The relevant person in charge of Sichuan Provincial Federation said that this year, Sichuan Trade Union will focus on the integration of urban and rural areas, increase the work preference for 39 underdeveloped counties and counties (cities, districts) with relatively backward economic and social development, and focus on towns (streets), development zones (industrial parks), new trade unions The trade unions of non-public enterprises and other organizations have sent cadres to speed up the establishment, transformation and revitalization of "small, scattered and weak" grassroots trade unions.

At the same time, the Sichuan Trade Union will properly solve the problems such as the shortage of people and money in the grassroots trade unions; Focusing on practical problems involving employees' vital interests, such as skills improvement, labor dispute mediation, and difficult assistance, to solve key issues for employees; Through training, promotion and use, collection of feedback and other ways, let grassroots trade union cadres and workers participate in the construction of trade union digital intelligence, improve the awareness rate and utilization rate of trade union online work platform, and improve the work efficiency of grassroots trade unions.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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