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Love Posthouse in Zhengning County, Gansu Province Building a Warm Harbor for Outdoor Workers

Source: Longdong Daily
2024-04-04 14:08

Original title: Love Posthouse in Zhengning County Building a Warm Harbor for Outdoor Workers

Longdong News (Correspondents You Xiaolong, Tao Jianfeng) In order to improve the city's warmth index and civilization index, in recent years, Zhengning County has carefully built a number of outdoor worker stations with excellent hardware facilities, good service effects, and high public satisfaction, to build a warm harbor for outdoor workers.

Walking into the Gansu Provincial Labor Union Outdoor Workers' Posthouse located at No. 1, Heping Road, Zhengning County, the warm and comfortable environment and humanized service in the station make people stand out, and all kinds of newspapers and books are neatly placed on the bookshelves. The post station is also equipped with microwave oven, water dispenser, medicine box, toolbox, charger, umbrella and other common items. "It used to be difficult to find a place to rest and drink water when driving. When the outdoor worker post station was built, I would come here to have a rest, recharge my mobile phone and drink a cup of hot water, which was very convenient." Taxi driver Yan Fuwei was very satisfied with the function and service of the outdoor worker post station.

Zhengning County, in accordance with the basic principle of "where the outdoor workers are, the post station will be built, and the service will follow", has installed signs and lit light boxes for the outdoor workers' post stations in a centralized and unified manner, scientifically planned the post station construction, equipped with all the basic facilities, improved and improved the service functions, and recorded the post stations in the whole county into the Gaode map in a timely manner, Realize real-time location search, so that outdoor workers can enjoy comprehensive love services such as "heating when cold, drinking when thirsty, charging when urgent, and stopping when tired".

"The outdoor worker post station is easy to find. You can find the nearby post station by typing the words' outdoor worker post station 'on the map with your mobile phone. When we are tired from work, we come here to rest, drink hot water, and heat our own food in the microwave oven." Wei Youru, an environmental sanitation worker, said.

Up to now, Zhengning County has built six outdoor labor stations and new employment labor stations with unified signs, complete functions, orderly management and good services. "We will adhere to the principle of 'building, managing and using' integrated service, take the needs of the masses of workers as the guide, constantly improve the service functions of the site, improve the service level, and let more outdoor workers experience intimate services." Zheng Lixia, vice chairman of Zhengning County Federation of Trade Unions, said.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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