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256 events were held in 4 months to serve 76800 people! The "Trade Union Posthouse Inclusive Day" in Kunming has seen actual results!

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-02-26 18:08

Under the guidance of Yunnan Federation of Trade Unions, Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, guided by the actual needs of outdoor workers, innovated service content and measures, and launched the theme brand activity of "Trade Union Posthouse Inclusion Day". Since its launch on October 19, 2023, over four months, trade unions at all levels in Kunming have held 256 trade union post stations for inclusive day activities, providing services for 76800 outdoor workers, fully integrating trade union post stations, inclusive activities and warm services, realizing the superposition of the effectiveness of trade union services, and continuously delivering warm services, so that outdoor workers can enjoy more convenient More substantial inclusive benefits will further enhance employees' sense of happiness, acquisition and satisfaction.

In terms of operation mode, the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, through the mode of brand co construction, resource sharing, and event co management, and the linkage of four levels of trade unions at the city, district (county), street, and community levels, has made the brand of "Trade Union Posthouse and Pratt Whitney Day" achieve the combination of "Pratt Whitney" and "Precision", "Normal" and "Long term", and "Blood transfusion" and "Hematopoiety". Previously, the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, in conjunction with the Labor Union of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, carried out the activity of "Trade Union Posthouse Day of Inclusion · Warm Grass roots Police Assistance", delivering health checkups and warm gifts to 100 grass-roots police stations in Kunming; Kunming Federation of Trade Unions and the United States Troupe held the activity of "Trade Union Posthouse Praise Day · Rider Health Service Season" to send warm gifts to the younger brother of the United States Troupe; The Panlong District Federation of Trade Unions, based on the trade union post station inclusive day, linked with the trade union post stations throughout the district, innovatively launched a series of themed activities of "Post Station Spring Service Season". Through the activities of "fancy" service workers, such as the Spring Festival garden party, eating New Year's Eve dinner, sending warm condolences, sending Spring Festival couplets, and fun games, the outdoor workers felt the warmth of "mom and family".

In terms of service content, the theme brand activity of "Trade Union Posthouse Inclusive Day" will launch "customized" inclusive activities according to time, location and other factors, and carry out activities popular with employees. On the day of the Lantern Festival, the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions carried out the activity of "Trade Union Posthouse Praise Day · Lantern Festival Love Laborers" to send dumplings and blessings to outdoor workers, and carried out activities such as riddle guessing, physical examination, and public welfare haircut; On the day of the Laba Festival, the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, together with the Guandu District Federation of Trade Unions, held the activity of "Trade Union Posts Praise Day · Warm Outdoor Workers" at seven trade union stations to deliver Laba porridge, Spring Festival couplets and blessing bags to outdoor workers; When the Spring Festival is coming, the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions and Xishan District Federation of Trade Unions launched the activity of "Trade Union Posthouse Praise Day, Enjoy the Year and Welcome the Spring Festival"; Kunming Economic and Technological Development Zone has combined the trade union post station inclusive day with the post station opening, warmth sending and condolence activities. The triple service efficiency of the trade union has brought triple warmth and triple care to outdoor workers, and has carried out activities such as health delivery, manual DIY experience, and trade union post station award-winning knowledge quiz. In addition, trade unions at all levels in Kunming have relied on the "trade union post station inclusive day" Theme brand: carry out inclusive day activities with rich contents and various forms according to time and place.

In terms of highlight features, the theme brand of "Trade Union Posthouse Inclusion Day" actively adapts to the new needs of outdoor workers, enriches content and innovates forms. In November 2023, under the guidance of Kunming Federation of Trade Unions, the cultural and creative mineral water with the theme of "Salute to Outdoor Workers", originally designed by Miaogao Culture Company and sponsored by Shilin Tianwaitian Society, will be put into the trade union's post station and given to outdoor workers free of charge; Panlong District Federation of Trade Unions innovatively launched the hand-painted map of "Beijing Road Trade Union Service Demonstration Belt"... to improve service in an innovative and characteristic way.

It is worth noting that the Kunming Federation of Trade Unions has created a public welfare love list of trade union post stations, guided various social forces such as public welfare charity, caring enterprises and voluntary services, carried out the "Trade Union Post Station Inclusive Day" activity, implemented the project of caring for employees, and constantly stimulated endogenous power and released internal vitality. The caring enterprise Shilin Tianwaitian donated 100000 yuan worth of water tickets to the trade union post station to serve outdoor workers; "Finance and Trade Charity Service Station" regularly goes to the labor union post station to provide free haircut service; RT Mart Supermarket, a caring enterprise, gives free dumplings on the Lantern Festival; Germany and South Korea Dental Care Co., Ltd., a caring enterprise, presented 100 dental implants free of charge to the basic level people's auxiliary police in Kunming... With the participation of many caring enterprises, it further played the role of the labor union as a courier station, extended the arms of the labor union, expanded the coverage of the group, enriched the service connotation, and united more forces to wholeheartedly serve the working people.

The Kunming Federation of Trade Unions will continue to deepen the "gold lettered signboard" of the theme brand activity of "Trade Union Posthouse Inclusion Day", constantly polish the "Gong" brand of serving workers according to the concept of joint construction and sharing, fully integrate resources according to the needs of outdoor workers, and further improve the level of the trade union post station's inclusive, convenient, and accurate service for workers, Provide outdoor workers with more intimate, warm and careful services.

(WeChat official account of Kunming Federation of Trade Unions)

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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