Zhonggong Entertainment

"Model Worker and Craftsman Guild" is more than "giving people fish"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-02-23 08:39

 Engineering evaluation

Zhang Xue

As he walked, Zhou Guoquan made a very brief phone call: "If the problem is solved, I will come to the factory right away!" In 2017, under the leadership of the Zhejiang Ninghai County Federation of Trade Unions, 118 model workers like Zhou Guoquan in Ninghai formed a "gang" to share technology with enterprises across the region. The Spring Festival every year is the busiest day for "Zhou Guoquan" people. They take advantage of the short gap between enterprise shutdowns to receive orders and consult on production line problems, helping enterprises get off to a good start. (Reported by Zhejiang Daily on February 21)

In the process of production and operation, small and medium-sized enterprises often encounter various problems, one of which is "technical difficulties". Due to the lack of technical R&D personnel and other reasons, these enterprises are not only difficult to overcome the technical R&D in major projects, but also occasionally encounter difficulties even if only minor problems such as mechanical failure and process improvement are encountered in daily production and operation. Don't underestimate these small problems. If they are not effectively solved, in the immediate view, the economic benefits of the enterprise will decline; If accumulated over time, it will even affect the long-term development of the enterprise.

When someone is sick, he will go to see a doctor; If there is any problem in the production of an enterprise, someone needs to make a prescription for it. Model workers are the "masters" of technology in all walks of life. They form a "help group" and go to the enterprise for "visiting", which can provide more professional and innovative solutions for process improvement and technical breakthrough in enterprise production.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.. When model workers enter the enterprise, they can also communicate face to face with more front-line workers, pass on skills to solve doubts and impart ingenuity. In the view of model workers, they only solved one or several technical problems; But for enterprises, they have brought more advanced technical experience and problem-solving methods. As the saying goes, "teach people to catch fish", enterprises have learned new technologies, and also learned the thinking and methods of R&D and tackling new technologies, which is conducive to improving their own innovation ability.

The establishment of the "Model Worker and Craftsman Group" has shared the innovation and wisdom of "Zhou Guoquan" with enterprises across the region, producing more economic and social benefits. At the same time, the labor model spirit, labor spirit and craftsmanship spirit they demonstrated will also affect the majority of employees, drive more employees to focus on technology research and innovation, and thus the endogenous power of the long-term development of the enterprise becomes stronger. Good practices like the "Model Worker Group" deserve further exploration and promotion.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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