Zhonggong Entertainment

Craftsman's ingenuity · Nan'an craftsman | Huang Guoshun: show all kinds of appearances with a wooden puppet

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-02-20 17:01

Huang Guoshun, born in Luodong Town, Nan'an City, loved to watch puppet shows when he was young. He was even more obsessed with puppet carving. A good work cannot be done at once. A piece of work must be put aside for a period of time after the rough embryo is finished, and must be completed step by step. In order to achieve a good work, the time and span must be very long.

The knife technique of the puppet head made by Huang Guoshun is exquisite and smooth, and the carving technique is exquisite and mellow. It not only inherits the essence of the traditional carving art, but also combines the characteristics of modern art, and is well versed. It is welcomed by artists and collectors in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and China. His works have won many awards at the national, provincial and municipal levels@ Nan'an Federation of Trade Unions

Editor in charge: Zhang Xuedong

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