Zhonggong Entertainment

Craftsman's ingenuity · Nan'an craftsman | Huang Zhongpin: focus on wood carving for more than 40 years

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-02-20 15:40

Huang Zhongpin, who has been engaged in carving for more than 40 years, once studied wood carving, clay sculpture, bodiless lacquerware and other crafts from the master of arts and crafts Huang Huazong, and founded Nan'an Huangzhongpin Sculpture Art Research Institute in 2020. Since he became the technical supervisor of the craft factory in 1990, he has been studying and creating comprehensive works integrating religious Buddha statues, statues, Buddhist niches, Buddhist sedan chairs, ancient architectural carvings, temple decorations, clay sculptures, bodiless sculptures and other processes@ Nan'an Federation of Trade Unions

Editor in charge: Yang Tingyao

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