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Fushun, Liaoning: "red and yellow card warning+positive incentive" stimulates the vitality of labor union post station

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2024-02-20 07:29

Original title: Fushun Federation of Trade Unions improved the daily management mechanism of the post station (quotation)

"Red and yellow card warning+positive incentive" to stimulate the vitality of the labor union post station (theme)

CAMCE News (Worker's Daily - CAMCE reporter Liu Xu) Recently, the Federation of Trade Unions of Fushun City, Liaoning Province, relying on the most beautiful trade union post station, carried out the activity of "sending warm drinks in cold winter", and 19 of the most beautiful trade union post stations responded one after another, offering hot milk tea and other drinks to outdoor workers. It is reported that since 2023, Fushun Municipal Federation has established and improved the daily management mechanism of labor union post stations, continuously strengthened standardized management, and effectively improved the service quality of the stations.

There are 224 labor union stations in Fushun. In May 2023, the Daily Management Working Mechanism of Fushun Labor Union Outdoor Worker Service Station will be implemented, mainly including three-level supervision and management mechanism, 10 point system daily management evaluation mechanism, red and yellow card warning exit mechanism, positive incentive and reward mechanism. The red and yellow card warning exit mechanism stipulates that in the 10 point system assessment, the basic score of 6 points must be a full score, and the county (district) and industrial trade union will give a yellow card warning if the basic score of the site under their jurisdiction is less than 6 points in the assessment, and the deadline for rectification is one month. If the rectification is qualified, the yellow card warning will be lifted, and if the rectification is still unqualified, the red card warning will be given. At the same time, it will be reported to Fushun Municipal President, who will revoke the site qualification after confirmation.

After the implementation of this mechanism, the trade unions at all levels in Fushun City carried out self inspection against 10 standards, such as "having a fixed place and hanging the logo of outdoor workers of the trade union at a prominent position outside the site", "the site is equipped with tables and chairs, drinking fountains, microwave ovens, emergency medicine and other infrastructure as required, so as to achieve regular maintenance, ensure that the equipment is in good condition and can be used normally", Rectify the problems existing in the daily health management, facilities and equipment operation of the labor union post station.

From July to August 2023, the General Organization of Fushun City will spot check 45 trade union stations, and give a yellow card warning to 20 trade union stations that fail to meet the standard. Subsequently, four trade union stations supplemented the Reading Corner, and 19 trade union stations marked the supervision telephone number and opening hours on the management system. One month later, the Fushun Municipal Federation of Trade Unions reviewed 20 trade union stations. The trade union stations of Jianlian Pharmaceutical Shennongdian were canceled because they failed to meet the standard, and the other 19 trade union stations that met the standard after rectification were revoked the yellow card warnings.

In addition, in accordance with the provisions of "implementing positive incentive and reward mechanism", the Fushun Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will give corresponding operation and maintenance funds to the stations that have obtained more than 8 points in the assessment of the three trade unions, as appropriate, for the software and hardware upgrading and daily operation and maintenance expenditures of the stations. At the same time, we recommend the most beautiful trade union relay station to the superior. In 2023, the seven selected trade union relay stations won the honorary title of the most beautiful trade union relay station of the Liaoning Federation of Trade Unions and the All China Federation of Trade Unions.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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