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Why is the representative's proposal rated excellent

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-02-19 14:22

 Engineering evaluation

Zhang Xue

According to the report of the Workers' Daily on February 18, Li Chengxia, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the trade union of Jiangsu Changzhou Laosan Group Co., Ltd., put forward the Proposal on Deepening the Reform of Industrial Workers' Team Construction in Non public Enterprises, which was rated as the excellent proposal in 2023 by the Standing Committee of Changzhou Municipal People's Congress. As a migrant worker representative from the grass-roots front line, Li Chengxia always pays attention to the growth and protection of rights and interests of migrant workers and industrial workers, "hoping to contribute some strength to the construction and reform of the industrial workers team through my advice and voice."

It is worth noting that this is not the first time that Li Chengxia's proposals and suggestions have been affirmed. Since she was elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress for the first time in 2018, Li Chengxia has put forward 20 suggestions in the past six years. The reason for such achievements is that her proposals and suggestions can be "grounded", which can not only focus on the urgent needs of employees by contacting the masses, but also improve the practicality and feasibility of the proposals through solid research. For the staff and workers, they pay more attention to suggestions that can effectively solve their own practical problems than grand and subtle proposals.

The key to the "grounding" of proposals and suggestions is Li Chengxia's working attitude of "taking their troubles as their own". Li Chengxia took the initiative to publish her mobile phone number at the gate of the community representative contact station, and went to the contact station to receive the masses on the 15th of every month... It was in the close communication with the staff masses that Li Chengxia learned what they really thought, wanted and expected, and her proposals and suggestions were more able to solve practical problems, which was recognized and welcomed by the staff masses.

For Li Chengxia, "NPC deputies" are not halos, but positions and responsibilities. She stepped out of the migrant workers and industrial workers, and also let her own proposals and suggestions return to the workers. She has really opened a "window of public opinion" between the Party and the government and the workers, built a "bridge of hearts", and put practical matters into the "heart" of the workers.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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