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Shanxi: More than 6000 "Labor Union Posthouse" waiting for you to "go home"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-19 15:04

Late at night on January 16, in the cold days of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, bright and tender lights were automatically lit in orange "labor union post stations", waiting for outdoor workers to "go home". Zhang Qiliang, the delivery boy who had been busy all night, scanned the QR code outside the door with his mobile phone, input his identity information, and the door of the post station opened automatically. Here, cold and tired, he can sit down and have a drink of hot water to recharge his mobile phone.

This is a 24-hour unattended "labor union post station" built and put into use by Taiyuan Federation of Trade Unions. The post station adopts digital management and technology enabling. No special person is required to be on duty, and outdoor workers can use it at any time.

In recent years, the Shanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has attached great importance to the construction of the "labor union relay station", which has been included in the livelihood of the provincial government for two consecutive years. So far, the province has built 6246 "labor union posts", including 170 "the most beautiful posts" in the country, 500 "labor union posts" of the provincial government's practical livelihood project, and 1100 "labor union posts" at the provincial level. The total service flow of the province's "labor union posts" has reached more than 2.23 million person times. Shanxi Province has been listed by the All China Federation of Trade Unions as one of the three pilot projects for the construction planning of the outdoor labor service station of the national trade union, truly building the "trade union post station" into a popular project. At the same time, the provincial federation of trade unions took the lead in developing the "labor union relay station" remote management applet in the country, and covered all the "labor union relay stations" in the province, monitoring the status, location, staff flow, administrator attendance status of the provincial relay stations in real time and collecting data accurately, so as to realize the three-level management of the provincial federation of trade unions on the municipal federation, district (county) and relay stations; Take the lead in launching the "Labor Union Posthouse" on Gaode and Baidu Maps nationwide to facilitate search, direct navigation and achieve accurate service.

In 2023, the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions will continue to strengthen the construction of the "labor union relay station" service front, lead the trade unions at all levels of the province to successfully complete the goals and tasks of the Double 15 Project with the "four insistences" as the starting point, and spare no effort to promote the implementation of the pilot work of the "labor union relay station", and see the results.

In the construction of "labor union relay station", the provincial federation of trade unions ensures the standard service and quality assurance of the relay station around the "four insistences".

Adhere to overall planning. The provincial general manager pays attention to top-level design, investigation and research, construction progress and fund guarantee. The provincial general party group has repeatedly made clear requirements on the scale and structure of the station, listed a special budget, and hired a provincial scientific research institution to make the Construction Plan of Outdoor Labor Service Station of Shanxi Federation of Trade Unions (2024-2026). In addition to one-time subsidies for site construction, the province has established a subsidy system for daily operation funds of provincial, municipal and county trade unions. The provincial federation will subsidize 1100 "labor union stations" at or above the provincial level with 3000 yuan of daily operating expenses each year, and encourage the trade unions in all cities to support them.

Insist on strengthening management. The provincial federation of trade unions focuses on remote management, map launch, quality improvement, and remote hierarchical management of provincial and above stations relying on the "labor union post station" management applet. In the past two years, the provincial president has continuously upgraded the management applet, continuously optimized the user experience, improved the functional modules, and insisted on taking the real traffic data as the criterion to provide data support for the completion of the pilot work. In order to rush to work, the provincial federation required the trade unions of all cities and industries to establish a "military order", establish a "daily report" system for the work of the site map, and at the same time directly lead and guide the major banks, postal services, telecommunications, petrochemical and other "Chinese" enterprises, so as to realize that more than 80% of the sites are online with a high virtue and 100 degree map. The provincial federation was the first in the country to include site administrators into the scope of trade union business training, held two consecutive "trade union post station" administrator training classes, and trained more than 200 front-line administrators in site operation and maintenance, emergency rescue, service specifications, and trade union basic knowledge.

Adhere to the establishment of rules and regulations. The Provincial Federation of Trade Unions revised the Measures for the Administration of Outdoor Laborer Service Stations in Shanxi Province (for Trial Implementation) in combination with the actual situation of Shanxi Province, and made a separate booklet to be distributed to all stations in the province. It defined the objectives and tasks, proposed construction standards, strengthened operation and maintenance management, established an exit mechanism, improved the evaluation system, stimulated grassroots vitality, and standardized the use of funds, It provides a solid policy basis for comprehensively improving the operation and maintenance management level of the "labor union post station". The provincial general development and management applet patrol function is to patrol the licensing site once a year, and the municipal general manager and county general manager patrol the licensing site once every six months and every quarter. At the same time, the provincial federation has continuously improved the notification mechanism, continued to strengthen supervision and accountability, regularly sent the traffic data of the "labor union relay station" in each city every month to the main principals of the trade unions in each city in the form of special notification by the provincial federation, urged and guided them to improve the management level of the "labor union relay station", and created a strong atmosphere of you chasing me.

Fourth, adhere to the typical guidance. The Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has carried out two months of "mutual learning and mutual inspection" activities for two consecutive years, comparing north and south, highlighting mutual learning, and giving consideration to "looking back", gradually forming a "one ruler" and "one line" in the hearts of the provincial trade union guarantee cadres, and practically making a brand of excellence and excellence; Launch the "Double Top 100" ("Top 100 Sites" and "Top 100 Station Masters") project, carry out the "Double Top 100" tree pushing activity, and promote the high-quality development of "Trade Union Posthouse" in Shanxi Province; Public welfare love activities are planned at "labor union post stations" at all levels. "One hundred days in summer to send green tea, one hundred days in winter to send ginger tea" insists on daily distribution and distribution, forming a love transmission loop, and truly enhancing the sense of access, happiness, and security that can be felt and touched.

Behind the small site is the image and strength of the trade union in Shanxi Province. The Federation of Trade Unions of Shanxi Province is working hard and diligently to promote the work of "labor union post station" in Shanxi Province to a new level with a high sense of political responsibility and mission.

Shanxi Workers Daily Chief reporter Wu Yan

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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