Zhonggong Entertainment

Craftsman's ingenuity · The 7th "Craftsman in Northern Xinjiang" of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region | Tan Meilin: ingenuity, dream building skills, serving the country

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-01-19 17:56

Tan Meilin, Chief of Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Senior Engineer. It won the first prize of Autonomous Region Youth Civilization and Autonomous Region Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology Progress Award. Outstanding performance in major projects, scientific and technological innovation and other aspects. In July 2021, the first satellite in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was successfully launched and named "Inner Mongolia No.1" satellite; We have successfully completed a number of major projects at the national and autonomous region levels, including the construction of the Inner Mongolia Satellite Application Technology Center, the construction of the autonomous region's geographic information big data platform, etc. Its achievements have been widely applied in the autonomous region's party committee, government and relevant departments, multi industries and multi fields, and have achieved good social and economic benefits, It has made due contributions to the economic construction and livelihood projects of the autonomous region@ Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Federation of Trade Unions

Editor in charge: Zhang Xuedong

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